Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
While she was under the supervision of her big sister, Olivia got lost into the woods overnight and got back with something different. She didn't come back alone.
Four friends on a weekend trip to Ireland quickly realize that the Banshee is not just an urban myth.
A man wakes up, hearing a knock on the door. Something familiar is wrongly connected. When he opens the door, the light in the bathroom is turned on. When he turns on the light of the bathroom, the television is turned on.
"The picture shows the Devil working at a fire. Two cavaliers appear, and the Devil takes the form of a seer, old, bent and wrinkled. Then he disappears in a cloud of smoke, to reappear shortly as a ghost, whose head comes off and floats around the room. Suddenly the table gets up of itself, and flies up the chimney. All sorts of wonderful things happen. A cannon takes the place occupied by the table, and belches forth flame and smoke. A large cage appears mysteriously in the center of the room, through the bars of which the Devil passes as if it were an open door. By his magic, he makes the cavalier pass through the bars in the same wonderful fashion. Everything is so weird and fantastic, that such a small trifle as a man turning into a donkey excites but passing notice." -Edison catalog
A lone rambler has a terrifying encounter when he travels a lonely path in a forgotten wood
An eccentric elderly couple are overcome with grief and vow to never eat pizza again after their young son was run down by a delivery driver decades prior. When a new establishment Pizza Heaven rolls into town, they take revenge!
Two brothers are bored on a Saturday and decide to start a band. They then realize the stress of being in a band. Once they get a gig, they must put together a setlist and get ready for show, but they fear they don't have the time.
A boy ferociously slaughters his friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers.
Helen Young sings, and Johnny Long leads his orchestra as they perform a song.
The autumn merciless wind brings a middle-aged man to a cafe. Strange cafe: amazing waiter, strange visitors and strange tastes - The man's menu attracts the most expensive dish called "Summer full". What kind of dish is this? He makes an order. But the wait is dragging on.
After the mysterious death of his father, Aaron O'Donnell, a ruthless capitalist, decides to take the reins as the leader of Borealis. However, his brother Andrew sets out to hijack his dictatorship and warn not only the residents of Borealis, but all future visitors of the danger Aaron poses.
The low budget film starring the young Bruce Campbell that influenced the Evil Dead films.
The author Stefan König has writer's block. This changes when he witnesses the murder of a prostitute. He doesn't alert the police because he sets out to hunt down the murderer himself. The closer he gets to the killer, the more crimes he observes, which provides him with endless ideas for his texts. But the killer is very close...
A man is completely alone in his apartment. He looks for ways to combat his boredom: he smokes, watches TV, masturbates, eats - but none of it helps. The depressed man's real problem is not mere boredom, but profound loneliness. He sees suicide as his last resort...
A writer is writing his latest work. Suddenly, a strange man appears in his apartment and brutally stabs him to death. On his way out of the house, the obviously deranged killer kills other residents...
A guy is terrorized on the phone and receives death threats. He should have taken them seriously...
The private life of a local television Horror Host named Uncle Seymour Cadavers - a life filled with dingy theaters, old movies, and sinful actions.
The Making of 'The Thing'
Joshua finally gets to meet Eric, the beloved dog of a girl he's been dating. As the evening evolves, Josh begins to get a sneaking suspicion that Eric isn't your typical house pet.