Over a month has passed since 10,000 users were trapped inside the "Sword Art Online" world. Asuna, who cleared the first floor of the floating iron castle of Aincrad, joined up with Kirito and continued her journey to reach the top floor. With the support of female Information Broker Argo, clearing the floors seemed to be progressing smoothly, but conflict erupts between two major guilds who should be working together – the top player groups ALS (the Aincrad Liberation Squad) and DKB (the Dragon Knights Brigade). And meanwhile, behind the scenes exists a mysterious figure pulling the strings…
Now firstly, come on guys - a snappier title, surely? "Asuna" and her pal "Kirito" are accomplished players in the game and have progressed to level five. It's here that they learn of a plan to drop a game-changing banner into the mix that could could seriously damage the uneasy status quo truce that exists between the two rival clans playing. "Kirito" is a former beta-asset so using his slightly advantageous knowledge, the two must recruit some allies and try to thwart the level 5 boss before he ensures mayhem ensues. The story is simple, straightforward and that helps this along well enough - if maybe a little too one-dimensionally. Some attempts have been made to develop the lead characterisations, and the theme and the animated combat scenes - especially at the end - reminded me a little "Tron" (1982). It's got plenty of action, a few beasties, swordplay and benefits from being tightly directed remaining focussed and decently paced for an hour and an half. Not great, no, but I did quiet enjoy it.