L'Incroyable Show d'Eric Antoine
L'Autre c'est moi est le troisième spectacle de l'humoriste Gad Elmaleh, en 2005.
Bruno and Florence invited Sophie and Alex for the evening, but nothing goes as planned between the successful author, the brilliant entrepreneur and their respective wives, two sisters. Contradictions, anxieties, bad faith and pettiness come around the table. A delightful cascade of incidents quickly transforms the family reunion into a crazy night where secrets, bottles and unsaid are shattered until the two couples, caught in an irresistible whirlwind, formulate the most unexpected.
Ahmed Sylla : Avec un grand A
A series of bawdy and satirical episodes written during the reign of the emperor Nero and set in imperial Rome. Like the more famous version made by Federico Fellini, an adaptation of Petronius' Satyricon.
Poetry lovers, defenders of good taste, dear hunters... you are here at home! Find Benoit Poelvorde at the top of his madness in the complete "Carnets de Mr Manatane". More than 7 hours of knowing how to live (or die) by Mr Manatane!
The Jackass crew, along with some newcomers, returns for one final round of hilarious, absurd, and dangerous stunts.
Pour cette nouvelle aventure, Jamel a invité des artistes, à participer à plus d’une douzaine de courts-métrages originaux créés par lui-même et son équipe. Au programme des parodies désopilantes (Low School Musical, Les Experts Ouarzazate, Les Smashin’ Pump Spin’s…), des sketches hilarants (L’interview de la Chaussure de Bush, la leçon de Jamel…) et surtout la présence de guest stars tels que Florence Foresti, Audrey Lamy, Stromae, Didier Bourdon, David Pujadas ou Gad Elmaleh.Au final, un voyage humoristique de plus d’1h15, revisitant l’univers du cinéma et de la télévision et tout droit tiré de l’imagination délirante de Jamel.
Biography of humorist and movie star Will Rogers
A Prime Minister kidnaps three comedians from Paris to make a frowning princess smile for a royal photo, all while secretly dealing with a prisoner hunger strike. The King remains unaware of his mischievous plan.
Les Bodin's - Grandeur Nature - La Dernière Des Zénith
Ciccio loves very much the novel Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, although his friend Franco does not understand him.
Phyllis Diller’s brand of comedy is as timeless today as it was in the 1960s, when she became a regular on popular variety and talk shows. From her outrageous costumes to wildly teased hair, Diller was a pioneer among female comediennes, paving the way for future stars. Who can forget her hilarious housekeeping and marriage tips, her beleaguered husband Fang, her cackling laugh and self-deprecating sense of humor? Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face highlights some of her best routines. Special guest stars such as Don Rickles and Dean Martin make this a fun trip back in time.
Those who still see him as an innocent teen TV correspondent are in for a surprise: French comic Panayotis Pascot is all grown up and ready to get real.
Jim Gaffigan provides the skinny on everything from appetite suppressants to raising teenagers.
The adventures of a family of genetically modified super-zombies.
Les Bodin's chez les Belges
"La Cage aux Folles" is a club which has a transvestite show, starring Zaza (whose real name Albin). It forms Renato old homosexual couple. The latter was previously a son, Laurent, who announces his future marriage with the daughter of a deputy. The meeting with the conservative politician is unavoidable ...
Loriot, whose real name was Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow, or Vicco von Bülow for short (1923-2011), is considered to have been the greatest and most versatile German comedian of the twentieth century. From 1976 to 1978, Radio Bremen commissioned his six-part television series “Loriot”, in which live action skits alternated with short animated sketches. The series is believed to be the highpoint of Loriot’s television work and was to establish his cult status; it has long been an integral part of German cultural heritage.
Manu Payet : Emmanuel 2