Based on the infamous "Concrete-encased high school girl murder case" that took place from November 1988 to January 1989 in Japan. Junko Furuta, a female 17 year old high school student, was kidnapped and confined in a house by four other male high school students (all juvenile) in the Ayase district of Adachi-ku, Tokyo, where she was repeatedly raped, sexually humiliated and tortured in an extremely brutish manner for 41 days before she finally died after a particularly severe beating. The boys hid her body in a drum and filled it with concrete, but the body was nonetheless discovered a few months later.
A gay version of the "Widow's Boarding House" series, starring Shinji Kubo as the owner of the boarding house. A straight college student who also has a girlfriend then moves in...
Sexually abused as a child by her step-father, Kyoko is now an adult who lives with three other roommates, one of them a lesbian who's attracted to her. Amidst misunderstandings and more abuse at the hands of her mother, Kyoko is faced with a wave of murders, her mental state worsening.
A wealthy old man who has a dull complexion and has to hug a young man every night. The men continue to donate their bodies to the old man's legacy. This abnormally frenzied party eventually heads in an unexpected direction...
This deliriously warped S&M softcore film from cult pinku-eiga director Hisayasu Sato deals with a deranged doctor who lives in an abandoned hospital with his wheelchair-bound daughter. Frustrated by normal women's perceived imperfections, the doctor kidnaps them and subjects them to sadistic tortures to turn them into subservient women for his childlike daughter to play with.
A taxi driving, punk rock listening, serial rapist with a bad attitude picks up female fares, sedates them with gas and takes them to his grungy lair where he video tapes his sexual abuse.
A mysterious transgender murder group wearing black dresses appears. It is a brutal method in which the targeted man are raped and then killed. Ohara is asked to investigate and discovers the existence of a gay man named Shimizu. However, Ohara, who has always been interested in relationships between men, ends up having an affair with Shimizu...
From a window of a mansion overlooking the sea a woman, her master and a dominatrix hungrily eye a lone woman walking along on the beach below. With a whip and a manservant the dominatrix goes out to collect the new “slave” for the pleasure of all.
When a hapless man discovers his fiancé doing kinky things with another man he hires a SM mistress to teach him the finer points of bondage and discipline. Revenge will be his… at the end of a whip.
An invitation to the class reunion has arrived. It was a pension in Shinshu that she visited five years ago during a tennis training camp for my high school club. One girl who was there committed suicide. Why a class reunion in such a place... Six friends and one teacher meet again after a long time. From that night onwards, a series of murders begins, with participating women being brutally raped and then killed. What was the criminal's intention? Who will be killed next? While everyone trembles in fear, the evil hand finally approaches the office lady...
An orphaned arsonist is interrogated by a detective, revealing his story of sexual abuse and trauma.
Lesbian-themed tale of a schoolgirl who entices her gullible (not to mention slightly warped) female teacher by positing that they are predestined to dance together on the day the world ends.
Two women, Tokiko, a ceramic artist, and her apprentice, Haruka, are in a relationship. The couple is not an intrinsic lesbian, but they fell for each other by chance.
Mizuo, a gardener, Kazeo, an apprentice, and his girlfriend, Ishio, come to the campsite on vacation. Mizuo, who likes Kazeo, grows jealous when he sees the two flirting. He went for a walk alone to distract himself from his thoughts, and was raped by a man clad in a piece of cloth who looked like an Arab. While the water man was unable to say anything about it, the stone man became the prey. Burning with anger, Ishio and Kazao decide to uncover the man's true identity. Around that time, the dream man, a former rugby player, met a woman with a single piece of cloth. Yumeo has been raped by a man in a piece of cloth, but since it happened in a moment, he wishes to meet the man again in order to find out whether it was reality or a dream. The woman starts talking about Fuo's true identity...
Eiji, a teenager eager to follow in his late father's scientific footsteps perfects one of his old experiments to diminish the barrier between pain and pleasure.
A nurse starts to investigate why a woman who came to her office committed suicide. She discovers that a Yakuza gang is using an unusual drug to sexually enslave women. But she gets caught and when she is injected with the drug rather gruesome side effects appear, much to the surprise of the gang.
18 years after the mysterious death of her mother, Maya takes religious vows to find out what terrible things happened to her mother inside the Sacred Heart Convent. As soon as the door closes to the nunnery, the nuns start torturing her. She also has to deal with a lecherous archbishops and a lesbian mother superior.
Returning from a photo shoot a crew gets lost in the fog of a mountain location. Luckily they find a remote deserted resort. Unfortunately something is stirring in the woods and it’s very angry.
A sexually insatiable woman leads a strange clan consisting of a sadistically unhinged woman, her oversexed boyfriend and a former army general. They have captured a businessman who has diverted company assets and work him over with torture and kinky sex to make him reveal the account number. Will he keep mum or will the clan get their way?
A high-school girl with paranormal abilities becomes the center of a bizarre cult which believes her to be a divine idol. In fact, she's a maniac, prowling the streets with a male slave to rape and murder innocent victims.