
Linghe Cultural Media

Drama Mystery Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Chinese     7.787     2023     China


Nanotechnology researcher Wang Miao is taken to the Joint Operations Center by police officer Shi Qiang, who's investigating the mysterious suicide wave among scientists worldwide, and recruited to sneak into an organization called the Frontiers of Science to help the investigation. When Wang Miao is contacted by the leader of the organization, Shen Yufei, she introduces him to a sophisticated VR video game called Three-Body, but soon he discovers that it's more than just a game.


MovieGuys wrote:
Three Body is, simply put, boring. Initially, Three-Body offered up conceptualisations and ideas about the nature of the universe and understanding, that were philosophically interesting but like a lecture that goes on too long, for its own good, viewer fatigue, eventually sets in. I managed four episodes before I'd finally, had enough. I have no idea if, at a certain juncture, this series actually gets exciting and I never will. That's the danger of letting intrigue and mystery run on, far too long. In summary, capably acted but painfully drawn out. Conceptualisations and intrigue that take the viewer nowhere terribly interesting or exciting over multiple episodes. One for those with saint-like patience only.
Amos Burton wrote:
Contrary to the other review, I just finished episode 5 and I'm eager for more! It's a solid show so far with an interesting premise and fairly decent plot. The biggest pro I have though is that after watching the first episode for maybe 20-30 minutes I realized it was giving me something that I've been lacking from American shows - an entertaining plot. I say this as someone who was born and raised in the US. Don't get me wrong, there are a few decent shows out right now, but it's few and far between. Three-body focuses on an entertaining plot and leaves out real-world issues, politics and "lessons" that are over-saturating most shows. Also, after roughly 5 hours in, I haven't heard any insults against, well, anyone. It's nice not hearing pot shots and snide remarks directed at my race or men in general. This is my first Chinese show and one of maybe a handful of things I've watched that were not english language. I thought subtitle fatigue might set in but they were never an issue other than rewinding maybe 2 times when the dialog was moving too fast for me to read. So far the show has me interested in the plot and while the style and acting are just a minor bit different than in the west, it was never an issue for me. I'm looking forward to more of this show and this will likely have me branch out into other Chinese shows and those from other countries as well.
Sejian wrote:
I've watched ONE episode of this. I have no idea if I will watch any more because this is... ♪ Whoa Nelly! From episode 1, I gather there's a shadowy international cabal of scientists doing nefarious deeds and the military are the good guys who need to recruit the non-threatening scientist to spy for them in order to save the world from the worst calamari you ever done did see. Also, there's a woman who talks to god (Buddah) and ants, and can make cracks in glass windows for her ant friends. Trust her bro, she can do the ♪ Abra, abracadabra! She's gonna reach out and- She also makes scientists go mad and kill themselves by showing them test results she can't possibly have because the tests haven't even been run yet. She's either a prophet, a psychic, or she's a sexy time-traveling space goddess here to eat your giblets. What is this garbage and how does it have such a high rating and so much critical praise? I don't need my series to spell out everything in the first episode, but I need them to not be utterly stupid. If this isn't some anti-science, pro-military propaganda nonsense, then I'm not the Queen of England reincarnate. P.S.: I also started watching episode 1 of the Netflix production and it's equally ridiculous. Are people watching this just to see how dumb it is or is it because they're all science deniers who want to believe us science boys are in a cult and we do the blood sacrifice to our science god every 6 days? There's more here right? There must be more here to warrant all the praise these 3BODY series get. P.P.S.: I only just read the TMBD synopsis for this show. Are you kidding me? I'm done.
