The story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. When he gets lost in one of the school's old building, he meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe who reveals herself as a ghost with no memories. Teiichi then decides to investigate her death by delving deep into the infamous Seven Mysteries of the storied school along with Kirie Kanoe, Yuuko's relative, and the oblivious second year Momoe Okonogi. Throughout the story, Teiichi and Yuuko discover the truth about these ghost stories and help those who are troubled all the while inching closer to the truth behind Yuuko's death.
In the midnight hour, a lone DJ broadcasts the strangest and scariest tales from the outer edges of Kirlian, a lost city somewhere in Argentina.
An anthology of various tales with robots being the one common element among them. It consists of nine shorts by different well-known directors, many of whom started out as animators with little to no directing experience. Each has a distinctive animation style and story ranging from comedic to dramatic story lines.
For Brandon Heat, death doesn't matter. Driven by his need for revenge, he returns from beyond the grave to cripple Milleneon, the huge mafia organization which uses undead monsters as its enforcers. His ultimate goal is to destroy Harry MacDowel, the leader of Milleneon and, at one time, Brandon's best friend...
Ichinomiya Kantarou grew up with the ability to see demons, but was isolated and bullied by others who did not share the same gift. Instead, he became being friends with the demons, gaining a great attachment to their existence. One day, Kantarou was told about the strongest demon, the one known as the ogre-eating Tengu. Amazed by the news of his strength, Kantarou vowed to find this demon who was far stronger then any other, deciding to call him Haruka when he did so. Since this time, Kantarou searched far and wide for the ogre-eating Tengu with no luck, making his living by becoming a folklore writer and demon-buster. On a particularly job, Kantarou had finally found news of a nearby shrine supposedly the place where the ogre-eating Tengu was sealed.
Mina Tepeş, the Princess of the ancient covenant and ruler of all vampires, wants her race to stop hiding from the humans. Using her vast wealth, she has paid off Japan's entire national debt and by doing so, gained the right to create a district off Japan's coast that is to become the future haven to vampires worldwide. But when she finally attempts to make public the existence of vampires to the world some politicians, terrorists and rival factions are plotting to assassinate Mina before she has a chance to get Japan's and international recognition for the Vampire Bund. Now she must rely on her strength, cruelty and those closest to her, while trying to make a normal life.
In a distant future where humans are forced to leave Earth, a spacecraft carrying a 3D-printed crew of specialists is sent to terraform a new planet.
After catastrophic earthquakes devastate Japan, one family's resolve is tested on a journey of survival through the sinking archipelago.
A remake of Go Nagai’s 1973 lighthearted horror anime TV series Dororon Enma-kun. Enma, Yuki-hime and Kapaeru are demon hunters from another plane who have come to present day Japan to exterminate demons who possess humans and cause them to commit murder.
Satsuki Kakeru lost his sister by suicide and has been living a dull life ever since then. One day, he is transported into a bizarre world "Red Night" along with his friend Minase Yuka. In order to survive and escape from Red Night, he fights against Dark Spirits (Ralva) and Black Nights.
This is a horror comedy in which a Western-style house in Romania is bought and brought to Tokyo, with the inhabitants still inside. They are Don Dracula the vampire, his daughter Chocola and his servant Igor.
A twisted, fun take on classic the Brothers Grimm fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White.
Based on the manga by PEACH-PIT, serialised in G-Fantasy. When a human is marked to die, a faint gray line that is invisible to most appears around their neck. As time passes, that ring becomes darker and darker, until it is eventually black, and that person dies. Kita Michiru has an unusual gift - she posses "Shinigami eyes," which allow her to see these rings. When Michiru notices that two of the boys in her Class, Akatsuki Chika and Tachibana Shito not only have rings, but that they`re jet black, they reveal to her that the were supposed to die in a tragic accident six months ago. With the help of the Zombie Loan loan office, they were given a second chance at life, should they be able to pay for their debt by doing the work of Shinigami and killing malicious zombies. They petition Michiru to assist them in their efforts, and she finds her everyday life changing dramatically.
On an isolated icy planet promising a bright future, prisoners are forced to excavate a rare energy source that leads to a deadly, unwelcome discovery.
"Hey, Asuka... search for my body." At school in the middle of the night, Asuka and her friends search for the scattered body-parts. If they don't find the entire body, the 9th of November is repeated and the Red Person will continue to kill them. Who is the Red Person?
The story of 17-year-old Sailor Rooks, whose family moves to a remote New England town after a tragic accident, only to discover that a burrow of monsters—ancient creatures that prey on our darkest fears and desires—lurks beneath the town.
Luka and Lumi Kobayakawa are twin sisters in love with the same man, athletic upperclassman Katsuyuki Touma. Lumi seems supportive of Luka's fledgling romance with Katsuyuki, until the twins are infected with a strange bacterium that transforms Lumi's personality and gifts the twins with terrifying psychic powers. Now Lumi will stop at nothing - or no-one - that gets between her and Katsuyuki, including her own twin sister...
A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has dispatched bloodthirsty minions to destroy Kujaku before he can awaken to his destiny. Now, Kujaku must unravel the riddle of his past, before the power within consumes him!
Years after the horrors of Raccoon City, Leon and Claire find themselves consumed by a dark conspiracy when a viral attack ravages the White House.