Reunion is an American television series that aired on FOX in late 2005. The series was intended to chronicle 20 years in the lives of a group of six high school friends from Bedford, New York, with each episode following one year in the lives of the six, beginning with their high school graduation year 1986. Each episode also featured scenes in the present where Detective Marjorino is investigating the brutal murder of one of the group during the night of their 20-year class reunion in 2006. The identity of the murder victim was not revealed until the fifth episode, "1990". Due to low ratings, the series was canceled after only nine episodes, and the identity of the killer remained unrevealed in the aired episodes.
Six young people offer support to one another while trying to find themselves in Los Angeles.
Egor lives in a small seaside town and is graduating from high school this spring. He cannot stand the routine of his life much longer, and with his loyal friends Kisa and Hank, they start to look for excitement in their small town.
A lighthearted romantic comedy about post-collegiate life, love and career in New York City.
Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and his trusty agent.
Yuuri Kariya is an airhead who falls head-over-heels in love with Ryuuhei Aono after their very first meeting. Yuuri's happiness knows no bounds when Aono surprisingly ends up agreeing to go out with her, and thus she starts to enjoy her perfect relationship with her perfect boyfriend. Alas, misfortune strikes when only two weeks into their relationship, Aono tragically dies in an accident. But is something as simple as death really enough to keep the two lovers apart?
Zhu Xuanwen is a strikingly handsome, highly intelligent, and incredibly wealthy man who seems to have it all. However, he suffers from a neurosis stemming from a childhood car accident, believing he is Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty. This delusion leads him to neglect his real-life responsibilities, leaving his company’s management to others while focusing on building a palace and ruling his imagined empire. Concerned for his well-being, those close to him seek professional help, hiring Luo Kaihuai, a mental health professional. Desperate for money, she takes on Xuan Wen's unusual case. As a member of the emperor’s "harem," Kaihuai faces challenges in trying to help Xuanwen, who consistently resists her efforts. She must navigate this complex dynamic to find a way to assist him.
A group of friends move to London. At the centre are the Rose brothers, Mark and Rich, and Mark’s girlfriend Emma, who harbours a secret obsession with Rich.
Alon Shenhav, an outstanding detective officer who grow up in Nahariya and moved to Tel Aviv-Yafo, is asked to return to his hometown and serve as a detective officer for a year. Upon his return, he discovers that Maor Ezra runs a local crime organization that is terrorising in the city. Alon understands that in order to take Ezra down, he must first restore the public status of the police in the city.
Manee Morana is a cursed piece of jewelry tied to a bone demon. The ring possesses great powers to influence its wearers to commit acts of evil. Its latest target is Phakakaew, a naive woman with kindness who is being protected by Khamron.
Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Donna and Fez, a group of high school teens who spend most of their time hanging out in Eric’s basement, life in the ‘70s isn’t always so groovy. But between trying to figure out the meaning of life, avoiding their parents, and dealing with out-of-control hormones, they’ve learned one thing for sure: they’ll always get by with a little help from their friends.
Serial monogamist Brian O'Hara hits his mid-30s and suddenly realizes he's the last bachelor standing in his circle of friends. Not averse to the happily ever after his friends have achieved, Brian wonders whether he'll ever find Mrs. Right. The fact that he's in love with his best friend's girlfriend doesn't help his chances.
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beaches, beautiful friends and love triangles. But unlike other teens, they had cameras following them around. It may look like fantasyland, but they're not acting: they really are this rich and beautiful. For them, life really is a day at the beach.
Dark, gripping and morally complex, Your Honor tells the story of Micah Alkoby, a respected judge who is on the cusp of a big promotion. After his troubled teenage son is involved in a hit-and-run, this all changes. The victim of this accident turns out to be a member of a notorious criminal family that runs its own system of justice. How many laws is Micah willing to break in order to shield his son?
Set in 1996 in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young girl Rae, who has just left a psychiatric hospital, where she has spent four months after attempting suicide, begins to reconnect with her best friend Chloe and her group, who are unaware of Rae's mental health and body image problems, believing she was in France for the past four months.
A fresh and funny take on modern friendship and what one urban family will do to stay friends after the perfect couple who brought them all together break up on their wedding day. The failed wedding forces them all to question their life choices. Then there are Alex and Dave themselves, who strike a truce and must learn to live with the changes their breakup has brought.
A story about quitting being a good boy and chasing evil to the end for the sake of the mother and sister who sacrificed for themselves. A revenge play in which a dirt spoon lawyer chasing the traces of his missing mother walks into the secret surrounding him to fight the world.
Trying to make a name for themselves in New York's competitive fashion scene, Ben Epstein and his friend and business partner Cam Calderon use their street knowledge and connections to bring their ambitions to fruition. With the help of Cam's cousin Rene, who is trying to market his own high-energy drink, and their well-connected friend Domingo, the burgeoning entrepreneurs set out to make it big, encountering obstacles along the way that will require all their ingenuity to overcome.