During a hunting day in rural Spain, a father struggles to accept that his adult son is moving abroad, dealing with the feelings of being left alone.
I love this kind of stop motion animation and here you can even see what looks like the Elastoplast used to help keep the creatures in shape as it’s rather melancholic narrative unfolds. An adult son is printing off his boarding pass and packing for a trip that his father clearly wishes he wasn’t taking. After lunch, they go for some shooting only to discover a dead fox that has been poisoned. Where is their dog? A quick search portents the worst unless the younger “Alex” can race back home to find some sort of emetic. It’s it’s sense of isolation that is striking here. The beauty of their rustic surroundings augments the sense of anticipatory loneliness the older gent “Pedro” is expecting once his source of human companionship has taken his own next step. The humanity here, the dependence on the family pet and the charm of the thing prove quite potent to watch and for a film that can’t have had much of a budget, it is quite an affecting little watch.