Robins is a Swedish late-night talk show which premiered on SVT2 on August 23, 2006. The host is the young stand-up comedian Robin Paulsson from Malmö. The show's format is similar to that of other late-night shows, Robin makes jokes about recent news, shows sketches, and talks to a guest in the studio. One of the most popular sketches in the show features Robin appearing as Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović.
An entertainment television show presented by Welsh singer Charlotte Church. Each episode begins with a "theme tune" which always has the same melody and harmony, but is always in a unique style. In the verse, Church sings about current events and gossip, and the chorus is simply "This is my lovely theme tune, it goes on and on."
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Stand-up comedian Michael McIntyre sits in the interviewer's chair for the very first time, as he welcomes celebrity guests to chat, bringing his own unique brand of humour to the conversation.
With Barracuda, Daniele Luttazzi imported for the first time in Italy the TV genre of the "Late Show" created in the United States in the fifties by the presenter Steve Allen). In each episode, Luttazzi interviewed in the studio various personalities from the world of entertainment, cinema, music, politics and journalism. The program, in addition to an opening satirical monologue, also included comedy sketches with guests and humorous columns.
Sally Phillips invites a beloved comedy star onto each episode to discuss sketches from the last 70 years of comedy.
Gato Fedorento - Diz que é uma Espécie de Magazine
Gato Fedorento: Esmiúça os Sufrágios
Gato Fedorento: Zé Carlos
The Mrs Merton Show is a mock chat show starring Caroline Aherne as the elderly host Mrs Merton. It ran from 10 February 1995 to 2 April 1998 and was produced by Granada Television and aired on the BBC. The writers included Aherne, Craig Cash, Dave Gorman and Henry Normal. Prior to TV success, Aherne's Mrs Merton character appeared on Frank Sidebottom's album "5/9/88", then made her TV debut on the 1991 Channel 4 gameshow Remote Control, hosted by Anthony H Wilson. The chat show was followed up by a sitcom, Mrs Merton and Malcolm, based on Mrs Merton and her son Malcolm, who was played by Craig Cash.
Alan is handed a career lifeline - the chance to stand in as co-host on This Time, a weekday magazine show. But can he capitalise on the opportunity?
Chris Gethard hosts a panel of comedians and weirdos who participate in weird games, take calls from listeners, and generally put on a bizarre weekly spectacle.
Three personalities compete to win the title of best guest of the evening. Antoine Vézina is the judge responsible for awarding players points that will designate a winner. The competitors make fun of the codes behind conventional talk shows during interviews, and take part in various challenges.
Jay Leno hosts some of the biggest celebrities in the world.
A comedic talk show from an alternate reality featuring unstable hosts, a variety of celebrities—both real and fake—and unusual studio action.
America 2-Night is the continuation of the talk-show parody series Fernwood 2 Night. It ran from April to July 1978. As in Fernwood, Barth Gimble was the host and Jerry Hubbard was his co-host. Happy Kyne and the Mirth-Makers was the band.
In six live installments, John Mulaney explores Los Angeles during a week when pretty much every single funny person is in town.
TV Heaven, Telly Hell is a comedy television show on Channel 4, presented and produced by Sean Lock. The format is similar to Room 101, with guests discussing their likes and dislikes of items on television. The show also allows the guest to reconstruct any moment in television history in the way they wanted it to happen, in a short sketch shown at the end of the show usually parodying a clip discussed earlier.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show, often shortened to just Ellen, is an American television talk show hosted by comedian/actress Ellen DeGeneres.