The series revolves around the life of Camilo and Juancho, two friends who work in the maestro Guzmán's orchestra, both share the dream of one day becoming the most recognized musicians in the tropical genre. In this long journey to fulfill their dream, they meet Daniela, a woman of good economic position who wants to be famous and live music as they do. Daniela will have to hide from her family that she is part of a musical orchestra, and Camilo and Juancho that she is from a family of high social class. But everything gets complicated when Camilo and Juancho fall in love with Daniela, that's when their friendship and dreams of being famous will be truncated by the love of a woman.
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Poliana Moça
Amas de Casa Desesperadas is one of the Latin-tailored versions of Desperate Housewives, the Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning American television comedy-drama series created by Marc Cherry. It debuted on 21 May 2007 on Teleamazonas and on 1 October 2007 on RCN TV.
El amor no tiene precio is an American telenovela. It aired in 2005 until the series finale in 2006.
Rebelde Way
Saber Amar
O Grande Golpe
Pedro, unhappy in his marriage of convenience, falls in love with Vera during a business trip. After his father blackmails him into breaking Vera's heart, fate brings the two together again years later.
Te Sigo Amando
Espelho d’Água
Duas Vidas
Lo Que Es el Amor
American Heiress is a telenovela which debuted on March 13, 2007 at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT on the American television network MyNetworkTV. This romantic melodrama tells the story of a roughneck pilot and a pampered heiress who survive a plane crash. The show was produced by Twentieth Television, based on the 2004 TV Azteca series La Heredera. Heiress was the last series produced for MyNetworkTV's original all-telenovela format. When the network dropped the serial after the July 18, 2007 broadcast, most episodes were left unaired. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has not announced plans to release this series on DVD and/or Blu-ray. All 65 episodes aired overseas.
O Noviço
Vejo a Lua no Céu
O Feijão e o Sonho