An anthology series, with each season following a new medical true crime story.
(this is mainly a review of Season 2 with mentions of Season 1)
The first season, though not without its faults, was solid through and through;
The second season regarding a different doctor not so much
Season 1 had a great main cast, Season 2 the lead actress just isn't great but the Norwegian/American doctors were perfect
I have no idea how Mandy Moore got this hiring, it was a terrible miscast;
even this seasons Dr Death wasn't that great where both felt straight out if Lifetime
whereas Season 1 actually made me like Alex Baldwin
Though if you can slog through the first 3 episodes it does get better and seasons 2 Episode 5 was genuinely a brilliant episode.
Season 1 - 7/10
Season 2 - 4/10 for the first half, almost 7/10 for the last half.
Will probably check out a third season