Jul i Gammelby
Jul i Juleland
Pyrus: Alletiders nisse
Pyrus: Alletiders jul
Jul i den gamle trædemølle
Tvillingerne og Julemanden
Krummernes Christmas is a Danish TV Christmas calendar that was first broadcast on TV 2 in 1996 and re-broadcast on the same channel in 2001. The Christmas calendar is based on the books on Krummerne
The girl Cecilie is interested in Absalons secret because there is an angel that can save her sick sister. It is located in Magasin Du Nord in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jesus & Josefine
Brødrene Mortensens jul
Olsen-bandens første kup
Ludvig & julemanden
Pagten is a Danish television series.
Julehjertets hemmelighed
Valdes Jul - Skovens Vogter
Jul i Valhal is a Danish television advent calendar. It first aired in the December 2005 on TV 2 Denmark television station, on TV 2 Norway in December 2006 and in December 2007 on the Swedish Barnkanalen. In 2008 it is being aired in Finland on Yle2. As a television advent calendar, it has 24 episodes, and one new episode was aired per day from December 1 to December 24. Jul i Valhal is primarily about two children named Jonas and Sofie, and their adventures with the Norse gods.