The House in Karp Lane
Nur eine Karaffe
Onkelchens Traum
Der Schlagbaum
Destry reitet wieder
Der Sommer der 17. Puppe
Die Brücke des Schicksals
Wo war David Preston?
Don Carlos
Father Brown starts solving crimes, much to the annoyance of his housekeeper, the police and especially his bishop, who is not amused by a priest playing detective.
Oberst Chabert
Spuk im Morgengrauen
Die Abwerbung
Der Abstecher
Hamburg, Germany, 1944, during World War II. A serial killer terrorizes the city. When it seems clear that the local police are unable to catch him, forces as dark and terrible as the criminal himself become involved in the case.
Espionage thriller about a married couple caught in the middle of dueling spy organisations.
Zu viele Köche