Jonny Steals Europe
Movie based on the novel by Christel Broehl-Delhaes
Lepain Part 1: The King of the Innocents
Lepain Part 2: The Fight With Master Detective John Hawks
Pump und Langenbein oder der lebendige Tote
Lepain - 5. Teil
Lepain - 6. Teil
Lepain, der König der Verbrecher - 4. Teil
Lepain, der König der Verbrecher - 3. Teil
Die Abenteuer eines Ermordeten - 2. Der Smaragd des Badjah von Panlanzur
Die Abenteuer eines Ermordeten, 1. Teil - Die Flucht aus dem Leben
The Golden Plague
A man unknowingly falls madly in love with the fiancé of a close friend who has twice saved his life.
Der Unüberwindliche
A young woman works for two different men, both of whom fall in love with her. In the mornings she is secretary for a popular author and in the afternoons for a singer. Which of them will she settle for?