Ein Abend mit Hape Kerkeling
A mysterious woman recruits bank teller Ludwig Dieter to lead a group of aspiring thieves on a top-secret heist during the early stages of the zombie apocalypse.
Die Show der Shows
TV presenter Markus Lanz invites prominent guests and experts from all areas of public life to his colourful talk show. As a rule, there are four guests, introduced individually to contribute their personal experiences to the topics.
How does it feel to be a special celebrity? Michael Kessler examines their lifes, tries to meld into him/her and even confronts the personality in the end directly with him-/herself.
Tanken - mehr als Super
Kurzstrecke mit Pierre M. Krause
Die Hitwisser
Her Story
Der V.I.P. Hundeprofi
Late Night Berlin
Da kommst Du nie drauf! - Die große Show der schrägen Fragen
Das 1% Quiz – Wie clever ist Deutschland?
Inas Nacht
Kuttner plus Zwei
Museums-Check mit Markus Brock
Für & Wider – Die ZDF-Wahlduelle
Goldene Kamera Verleihung
Die Pyramide
Wer weiß denn sowas?
Volle Kanne
Hirschhausens Quiz des Menschen
Zimmer frei!
Neo Magazin Royale is a satirical late night show hosted by Jan Böhmermann.
Kölner Treff
Menschen der Woche
Joko gegen Klaas – Das Duell um die Welt is a German reality series, broadcast on the German television network ProSieben on prime time. In English the show is called Joko vs. Klaas – The Battle for the World . It is a show that pins its two stars against one another in a series of challenges all over the globe. Hosts Joachim ‘Joko’ Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf give each other a series of outrageous and tough challenges in countries all over the world; they know where they’re going but have no idea what they will have to do until they get there. It is a travel game show and reality series where each host tries to push the other to their limits in an attempt to be crowned the “world champion” by taking on all the obstacles and coming out on top as the one who has won the battle for world domination.
Stadt, Rad, Hund
Talk aus Berlin
NDR Talk Show
3 nach 9
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show.
Hart aber fair
Bauerfeind assistiert
Dunja Hayali
Das aktuelle sportstudio is a German sport magazine on German broadcaster ZDF.
PussyTerror TV
Am Puls
Böttinger. Wohnung 17