MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE is a dark comedy drama, inspired by a true story, that follows the journey of a U.S. Army Afghanistan veteran (Sonequa Martin-Green) who—thanks to the presence of her dead best friend from the Army (Natalie Morales)—is at odds with her estranged Vietnam Veteran grandfather (Ed Harris) and VA counselor (Morgan Freeman).
Transfinite is a dark comedy omnibus feature film composed of seven standalone short stories where supernatural trans and queer people from various cultures use their powers to protect, love, teach, fight and thrive.
Kate and David leave the hospital after suffering the loss of their unborn baby. As they return back to their isolated house on the water, strange masked lunatics start toying with them, leaving Kate and David with no other way to escape...but to run.
What Doesn't Kill Us is a mockumentary about rehabilitated zombies facing the adversities of living in a time when they aren't yet treated equally to humans.
Debra, Debra, and Debra are three very busy women who are all named Debra. They live in the affluent suburb of Lemoncurd and do lots of interesting activities, which keep them very busy.
A group of librarians set off on adventures in an effort to save mysterious, ancient artifacts. Based on the series of "The Librarian" movies.