Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
Dorota, a bad woman married the miller, out of sheer greed drives him to death. She then took the mill away from his son Peter and threw him out of the hime. Lucifer, who is known to rule in hell, sends out the devil Janek. He is supposed to fetch Dorota because the measure of her earthly sins is overflowing. But the devil himself can not handle this evil woman and flees to the military. There he meets Peter. By joining forces, they finally succeed in transporting the wicked Dorota to hell. Since then hell is hell. But for Peter, who is suddenly in possession of a magic mantle, begins a nice time, because strangely, the prince shows great interest in him.
Seit 999 Jahre lebt der Berggeist Rübezahl tief unter der Erde im Riesengebirge. Niemand hat ihn seither gesehen. Doch als er erfährt, dass die Menschen nicht mehr an ihn glauben und dass Habgier und Ungerechtigkeit herrschen, steigt der Herr der Berge hinab ins Tal, um den Menschen mit seinen Zauberkräften eine Lektion zu erteilen. Einen Knecht, der sein altes Pferd zu Tode schindet, spannt er vor den Wagen und gibt ihm die Peitsche. Das Gold des reichen und geizigen Vetters Klaus verwandelt der Berggeist in Steine. Auf seiner Wanderung hungrig geworden, kehrt Rübezahl in Gestalt eines Fuhrmanns in einen Gasthof ein. Als der gefräßige Wirt ihm vor lauter Gier die Hälfte der bestellten Rühreier vom Teller nascht, fordert Rübezahl die bereits bezahlten Eier zurück...
No one takes the clumsy Max Klopstock seriously. Even the gluttonous goat makes fun of him. Max wants to prove his worth to his father and lovely Lotte. So he packs his knapsack and heads out into the world like his older brothers Emil and Joeckel did.
Pastýřská pohádka
What child doesn’t dream of finding some secret door to the past! For Stella, a sassy 10-year-old, this dream comes true when she finds a magic wardrobe that transports her back to the early 20th century. There she must find a precious stone, the “Star of the Orient”, and ward off criminals who also want the treasure. Both haunting in its dream-like atmosphere and rousing through its spirited young protagonists, the film sweeps youngsters into a magical story of friendship and discovery.
Prince Victor looks in vain for a swan which was wounded by one of his servants. Instead he discovers a beautiful girl with golden hair who has an arrow in her shoulder. She is dumb and can't explain her origin. He falls immediately for her. The girl quickly recovers, but disappears mysteriously.
The good-natured scholar Christian-Theodore arrives in a small country where miracles occur. He falls in love with the beautiful Princess, whose marriage is a matter of national importance, because her husband will become the new king. But unlike many “suitors”, selfish thoughts are alien to Christian-Theodore. He is sincerely fascinated by her beauty and releases his Shadow, hoping to get a faithful helper in his quest to marry the Princess. But the Shadow is the embodiment of egoism, greed and meanness. Quickly betraying the scholar, he marries the Princess himself and takes the royal throne.
Láska na vlásku
Princezna a písař
Šmankote, babičko, čaruj!
Kdyby byly ryby
In this episodic animated fantasy from France, an art teacher interprets a series of six fairy tales (each involving a prince or princess) with the help of two precocious students. Princes and Princesses was created using a special style of cutout animation, with black silhouetted characters performing the action against backlit backdrops in striking colors.
Princess Julia doesn't want to marry an old prince Hubert so she runs away from home. She meets two old magicians and join the circus, where she meets lovely Franta Kuldan and evil devil performer.
A young girl must journey through the seasons to rescue her boyfriend who has been kidnapped by the evil Snow Queen.
Poor but confident and resourceful tailor David trusts, after killing seven flies in one swat, he's a match for any challenge and sets out to prove himself in the wide world. After luck and cunning help him deal with giant Lothar, he arrives at the castle of petty king Ernst, who is ruled by constant migraine and his ambitious, manipulative court counsellor Klaus, who desires to succeed by winning brat princess Paula's hand and claims to be the only saviour who can rid the land of three supernatural dangers.
Smart Man Nassredin easily penetrates into Bukhara Emir inner circle posing as Wise Man from Damascus. He becomes Emir trusted advisor, and even convinces the tyrant to relax the rule and release a lot of political prisoners (because stars favor this arrangement).
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
Erben's original text, which did not exceed half a page in length, served Zelenka only as a source of inspiration to write a plot-rich story about two brothers, one of whom lives in luxury because Luck helped him to wealth, and the other lives in absolute poverty because he loves him Poverty, and she, out of love for him, doesn't want to allow him to get rich and let his life be complicated by worrying about possessions. However, not only the struggle with poverty and the arrogance that comes from owning a large property are the main motives of this charming comedy, which is intended for children of all ages. The desire for love and the search for happiness in life plays an important role in this sometimes very exciting story, and an equally important motive here is the motive of forgiveness of guilt in the name of more permanent values, among which in this case the relationship of two brothers can be included.
Popelka, a resourceful and independent young girl, is a servant in her stepmother's house and confides in her closest friend the owl. When she comes across three magical acorns, she's granted a single wish for each one of them.