“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routine of salvaging, repackaging and redistributing food, and occasional other types of “waste”, across Atlanta, GA. Presented in a quiet observational style, this film is both a character study of a committed and enigmatic volunteer, as well as an ethnographic work that places the audience in the heart of a decentralized, volunteer-run mutual aid network in a “post-COVID” American city.
In the midst of a publishing revolution, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, one of America's most storied institutions of journalism, is experimenting with new tools to tell stories in preparation for the end of print in the digital era.
Atlanta musicians behind some of the biggest names in music embark on an uncertain journey into the spotlight with a new genre of music that fuses trap music with jazz.
In the 1980s and 1990s, an epidemic of crack cocaine addiction ravaged African American communities across the United States. Crack is extremely addictive, a trap that can lead to homelessness and an early death. Black addicts in Atlanta, Georgia tell us about their addiction, their past, and their struggles with police.
Four Black transgender sex workers in Atlanta and New York City break down the walls of their profession.
Atlanta History Center explores the controversial history of the Stone Mountain carving through a documentary film and online resources.
Just after Isidore moves to France to study filmmaking, his best friend dies back in the US. Through documentary, performance, and animation, a ghostly portrait emerges, prompting Isidore to question his relationships with his parents and his boyfriend in Paris.
STOP COP CITY is about the militant occupation of Atlanta's South River Forest. For over a year, a coalition of militant anarchists, community organizers, and eco-activists have been resisting police and contractors to halt the deforestation of hundreds of acres of urban forest.
“Beneath the Concrete, The Forest” is a short experimental documentary that takes us inside an ongoing struggle inside the city of Atlanta, GA between two sides to determine the future of Weelaunee, the biggest contiguous urban forest in the country.
The story behind the growth of women's and girls' volleyball in the United States and how it continues to bolster and empower young women in their development. Featuring direct interviews with players, coaches, and families, as well as footage of the 2022 Big South Qualifier tournament.
Cabin Fever was an innovative recording session where Before The Frost... Until The Freeze was recorded over a series of five nights at Levon Helm Studios. The sessions were filmed in front of an intimate live audience and allows the viewer into the recording studio with the band. Songwriting sessions are revealed and lots of never before seen banter and behind the scenes footage is shown.
Come see the animals and the people who make this place so special. This 30-minute DVD will take you on a journey through the Georgia Aquarium from its inception, to the exhibits, to the people who make this place tick! This DVD is an English-only feature.
The crew and friends of Atlanta skateshop Stratosphere skateboards' original skate video.
Wealthy socialite Charlotte Cartwright and her dear friend Alice Pratt, a working class woman of high ideals, have enjoyed a lasting friendship throughout several decades. Recently, their lives have become mired in turmoil as their adult children’s extramarital affairs, unethical business practices, and a dark secret threaten to derail family fortunes and unravel the lives of all involved. Charlotte and Alice decide to take a breather from it all by making a cross-country road trip in which they rediscover themselves and possibly find a way to save their families from ruin.
Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the court awards custody of his daughters to his shady ex-wife, Monty desperately tries to win them back with the help of Julia, a beautiful, Ivy League-educated attorney. Monty and Julia couldn't be less alike, but a flame is ignited... touching off a firestorm of love and conflict.
Carmilla inadvertently infects Ron, Fang, and Corey with her vampirism. Unaware of their condition, these three misfit vampires' hysterical misadventures illuminate the sudden changes in their nature. While attending a support group recommended by Dr. Acula for what is thought to be a medical condition, the three connect back with Carmilla and learn the truth of their new existence. Cast out by Martin and the old vampires, pursued by the determined Eddie Van Helsing, Ron and Carmilla seek to maintain some humanity and lead their menage through the challenges of vampire life in the modern world.
A Satanic cult lures a no-name rapper into stealing an enchanted chamber pot from his estranged friend and now superstar rapper, Big Tobacco.
Shanté Smith has moved to Atlanta where she's the Love Doctor, a relationship expert who uses her knowledge of the male psyche to help women get what they want. Tiffany contacts her after she catches her boyfriend, Byron, in a clinch with his boss, Carla, right after he wins a competition called "The Trainee." Shanté initiates a five-step program for Tiffany while Byron seeks advice from his best friend, Gizzard. Then, Bryon consults Shanté: has the Love Doctor switched sides? And, what happens if Byron finds out that Tiffany's playing games? Can true love run without a play book?
The Davenport sisters have drifted apart over the years but when their Dad wins the lottery all he wants is having his girls home for Christmas. Getting over years of resentment proves a big task but it's pushed aside when their mother suffering from dementia loses the ticket. They put aside their differences to help find the ticket and in doing so get over their differences and finally learn to come together.
During a routine prison work detail, convict Piper is chained to Dodge, a cyberhacker, when gunfire breaks out. Apparently, the attack is related to stolen money that the Mafia is after, and some computer files that somebody wants desperately to bury. The pair, who don't exactly enjoy each other's company, escape and must work together if they are to reach Atlanta alive. Luckily, they meet a woman who may be willing to help them.