أنا وهو وهي
Three prisoners escape from prison, facing many consequences when trying to return to their normal lives.
حفلة جواز بابا
الضحك عالمكشوف
الو أنا الدولار
المديرة والبوسطجي
صحتك بالدنيا
غريب الدار
عفريت لكل مواطن
رحلة لذيذة جدا
سباك الساعة 12
The fugitive Sayed seeks refuge with his uncle who works as a cook for a wealthy family. When the family's daughter gets divorced for the third time, the family enlist Sayed's help to marry her as a mohallel so she could reunite with her husband.
The drama revolves around the novelist Sami Al-Bagouri (Fuad Al-Mohandes), whose wife Mahasen (Zahra Al-Ola) is jealous of him so much that she is jealous of his deceased wife (Fekriya). While writing another novel, Shweikar), and becomes (Sami) in a difficult position, especially after learning (Fkrie) that he remarried
غراميات عفيفي
يوم عاصف جدا
زهرة الصبار
والسيدة حرمه