Young Kids Hard Time explores the story of young children sentenced to adult prison for decades, through the eyes of 12-year old Paul Gingerich and 15-year old Colt Lundy, both serving 30 years in adult prison for killing Colt's stepdad.
Six California kids test their brains and talents against students in Odyssey of the Mind, a problem-solving competition requiring mechanical, creative and intellectual skills. With little money and zero adult participation, the teens build a robot to tell a story about bullying, exclusion and mental health. But how does their solution measure up?
A Hazara film director follows a gravestone maker, a water girl and a man who buried his limb, as their daily lives unfold in a graveyard.
For the first time in history, mental illness and suicide have become one of the greatest threats to school-aged children. Many parents still view dangers as primarily physical and external, but they’re missing the real danger: kids spending more time online and less time engaging in real life, free play, and autonomy. What are the effects on the next generation's mental, physical, and spiritual health? Childhood was more or less unchanged for millennia, but this is Childhood 2.0.
A short documentary around a kindergarten teacher at Kuncup Harapan, Yogyakarta.
Pour de vrai, pour de faux
Chinese teenagers from the wealthy elite, with big American dreams, settle into a boarding school in small-town Maine. As their fuzzy visions of the American dream slowly gain more clarity, their relationship to home takes on a poignant new aspect.
Hat's off to Luton for pulling out all the stops as residents celebrate its 50th anniversary of becoming a municipal borough.
Gender apartheid is front and centre in this pointed exploration of family and labour in Iran. Sultan Mohammad proposes taking a third wife as a way to maintain and expand his free labour force, to the consternation of his current wives.
Dogs and cats go on show at two princely London venues – among them some of the fluffiest kittens London is ever likely to see.
Young scholars get busy for Newcastle-on-Tyne's 'Education Week' in the tour of Tyneside classrooms.
Large numbers of children and adults can be seen enjoying themselves, splashing about in the water or diving from the high-boards.
The Thanet coast featuring boat rides, horses and family outings.
Victims of a tragic air crash are honoured in a sombre military funeral procession through the streets of Hitchin.
Billy the pet seal adapts to village life in Wereham, Norfolk.
Behind the scenes at a Chennai teachers training college.
Writer producer Donick Cary (The Simpsons, Parks and Recreation, Have a Good Trip, etc.) has been a huge fan of the Washington D.C. pro football team since before he could walk. Passed down from his dad, he was excited to pass the tradition onto his kids. Donick never questioned the team name and or Native American logo until one day, while watching a game, his 9-year-old son, Otis, asked him if it was racist. When Otis suggests they ask Native Americans how they feel, it sends the two on a cross-country journey full of unexpected surprises.
Interviews and discussions about children in naturism.
John and Amanda teach Latin, English and guitar at a fantastical stately home-turned-school. Nearly 50-year careers are drawing to a close for the pair who have become legends with the mantra: “Reading! ’Rithmetic! Rock ’n’ roll!” But for pupil and teacher alike, leaving is the hardest lesson.
Reclaiming what was once stolen from him, a man journeys back to the place of his childhood nearly 80 years after his world came crashing down.