El Mono relojero is a 1938 Argentine animated short film directed by Quirino Cristiani. It is the only film from this director that exists up to this day, since all his other productions (including the first two animated feature films, El Apóstol (1917) and Sin dejar rastros (1918), as well as the first animated film with sound, Peludópolis (1931)) were lost in a series of fires at the facilities where the negatives and copies were stored.
When a Spanish Jesuit goes into the South American wilderness to build a mission in the hope of converting the Indians of the region, a slave hunter is converted and joins his mission. When Spain sells the colony to Portugal, they are forced to defend all they have built against the Portuguese aggressors.
Felipe a wealthy businessman who has been quadriplegic, due to an accident, is looking for a therapeutic assistant. There are several highly qualified, but he decides to take the assistant of his gardener, Tito who has decided to resign.
Detective Douglas seeks to solve the crime of a former co-worker. Only the help of El Gaucho will be able to protect him against the plan that is coming.
Unites 8 Latin American filmmakers from countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Spain, and Mexico in a single feature to count depict in seven stories some of the most brutal crimes that have happened in these countries.
A broken heart makes Sergio reject the city......A city full of late adolescents, girls that make you cry, drunks worried about matters they couldn´t handle even sober...and songs that say all that they would have wanted to say (if they knew that they needed to say something)
In a tiny rural village in Argentina, Rita Lopez, a pious yet insatiably competitive woman, discovers that staging a miracle could be her ticket to sainthood.
By a quiet gas station in rural Buenos Aires, a young kid, Ernesto, confesses to his friend that he wants to be a dancer when he grows up. But in the patriarchal flatlands of Argentina, dancing isn't really an option. After being harassed by drivers by, Ernesto hides in the bathroom where he magically runs into a broken-hearted drag queen, Ruby. Charmingly mischievous, Ruby challenges him to a fateful dance off; one that will ultimately and forever encourage him to follow his dancing dreams.
In her new comedy special, Malena Pichot stars as Eleonore von Schwarzenberg, an European vampire princess sent to live in a seedy Buenos Aires apartment.
A post-apocalyptic universe. A metropolis of two societies. On the surface, a regime that isolates the individuals in elite. A whole city scraped in the underground, where survival is the only law. Up and down don’t merge. Yet the Mole will climb up to fulfil his dreams.
Charlotte Lord, a widow in her early forties and owner of Manhattan's smartest modiste shop, is about to marry Guy Barton, a wealthy businessman. But Mexican divorces have been declared illegal, so Guy is still married to Sybil Barton, an unscrupulous gold-digger who left him twelve years earlier. She demands that Guy give her $250,000 for his freedom.- Written by Les Adams
Crónica de un Secuestro
A man tries to rob a bank and the bank's clerk, a yuppie, pretends the thief has kidnapped him to help him run away. While they're running away, they meet a girl who becomes part of the team.
Two friends are looking to earn easy money by gathering people to help them deposit a large sum of money in a fixed term of seven days, to live on the interests, which are higher the greater the amount deposited. This has immediate consequences on the lifestyle of the characters, who are increasingly ambitious. Portrait of the Argentine middle class in full hyperinflation, when financial speculation was the order of the day by the man in the street.
A Hollywood actor grows tired of making the same corporate movies, so he moves to Argentina to find more experimental and meaningful work.
La Cita Perfecta
Mario Santos, Pablo Lamponne, Emilio Ravenna and Gabriel Medina return.
An all-girl band flees to Argentina to avoid their creditors. Comedy with songs.
Víctor Tellez is an intellectual, world-weary film critic who prefers to think in French and eschew the clichés of romantic movies...until he finds himself living a sappy, feel-good love story of his own.
The investigation about an alleged international spy after the Nazi refugees in Argentina gives way to a plot that expands, becomes delirious and branches off. A mockumentary that has, at its center, an elusive woman whose trail can be traced in the most emphatic convulsions of the 20th century.