"The show happened during Midsummer with the band playing in a white-walled room with two windows behind them looking over the valley.I had no lights on in the venue. As they played, the sun slowly set behind the venue so by the end of their set they were but shadows in the twilight. It was no ordinary show, it was something else in every possible meaning of the phrase."
Live concert recorded at Club South BBC in Ashikaga, Japan on November 17, 2007.
In April 2008, LRS toured across the USA and met some amazing female noise artists. This is what it is like to be a girl of noise.
The film that gives this DVD its title, "Live In Osaka", is a recording of NON's legendary 1989 live performance in Osaka, Japan. The band consisted of Boyd Rice, along with a star-studded line up including Michael Moynihan, Rose McDowall, Douglas P and Tony Wakeford.
A self-contained and uniquely seductive world featuring custom built drones with live video feeds, laser set-design, opera singers and an original libretto that combines to drive a narrative of desire, fear and destruction.
The film compiles videos of Argentine cult band Reynols, it shows a diversity of live concerts and various activities over a period of more than 25 years. It's a part of the boxset "Minecxio emanations 1993-2018". The film includes: Saludo Vincher Vinchas (Miguel Mitlag); Colegio Cristoforo Colombo (A. Ruiz and unknown); No Music Festival, The Tonic, New York, 2001 (Mike Shiflet); Flesh Sound Bs. As. (Reynols selected archives); Somewhere near Kingston (Mike Shiflet); Papagayos en la luz (Reynols selected archives); O’Hara Mansion (Dir. Reynols); Fusa (Reynols selected archives); Lo Pawe Recy Plays Norway (Tom Løberg); Camio Flatdas (Reynols); Lor Nindio Pepelacho in Brussels (Christophe Piette).
A surreal post-apocalyptic drama by Patrick Kennelly inspired by the clipping. album “Splendor & Misery”
"Vlada Goes to London" is a short student film exploring the strong-willed Vlada on her night shift as a pizza delivery girl in her desperate attempt to book tickets to London and fulfill her dream of being a DJ. The end of the night brings more challenges than she expects.
Live concert recorded at the Middle East cafe in Boston, MA on September 21, 1990.
Live concert at Shinjuku Loft on 5 April 1982 for the release of Hijokaidan's first album.
Swans recorded live in 2013. Track listing: To Be Kind - Just a Little Boy - Coward - She Loves Us - Oxygen - The Seer - Bring The Sun / Toussaint L'Ouverture
Live at the Duchess of York in Leeds, November 1992. Limited numbered edition VHS with a nylon stocking.
A video documenting Sonic Youth's performance at the Gila Monster Jamboree. Taking place in a remote location in the Mojave Desert, this was the bands first ever show on the West Coast. The bill also included bands such as Meat Puppets, Red Kross and Psi-Com.
Live concert recorded in Oslo, Norway in January 2007.
Masonna: Like a Vagina T.V.
Live concert recorded at Sengawa Gospel in Tokyo, Japan in June 1993.
Live by french duo Natural Snow Buildings
Live concert recorded at Brückenkopf in Mainz, Germany on July 5, 1995.
Live concert recorded on the MS Stubnitz in Rostock, Germany on April 6, 1996.