Capitalism: A Love Story

Ask not what your CEO can do for you, but what you can do for your CEO

Documentary Crime History
128 min     7.099     2009     USA


Michael Moore comes home to the issue he's been examining throughout his career: the disastrous impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world).


GenerationofSwine wrote:
Pay attention boys and girls, this is one for the history books. Seriously, this is an important slice of current American history. Better than anything else this highlights a total 180 on labor for both the left and the right... and it's only 10 years old. Nike, yeah, they make a big deal out of how the company moved abroad and now operates sweat shops... that was a left wing issue 10 years ago. And today the left will attack anyone that criticizes Nike as "racist." But it goes beyond that. 10 years ago it was the left that thought outsourcing was bad, and that spoke out against major corporations that did it. Now it's the right that is speaking out against outsourcing... and, well, they are BOTH championing enormous corporations. In fact, the left would call any protection of domestic labor from outsourcing "nationalism" and "racist." At least that was something the right is, unfortunately, consistent on... but the left will all but nail you to the cross if you say anything about Disney, Nike, Google, Apple, and so on. And then there is the plight of Middle America, that was something that both sides could at least pay lip-service to, but in 2019... the argument on the left has turned that all of Middle America (save, Chicago and, maybe parts of Colorado) are absolute evil and full of people in white hoods. This stands as a shining example of how fast things change in only one short decade.
