A man who still lives with his parents tries to realize his dream of becoming a magician.
The film’s premise is about a group of warriors and scientists, who gathered at the “Oude Kerk” in Amsterdam to stage a crucial event from the past, in a desperate attempt to rescue the world from destructive robots.
"I am not from this place," declares a French cowboy. An old toothless man asks, "Do you know why you're here?" These shape-shifting personalities infect young children with an evil signal in the form of a Dutch TV show. The red-eyed girls and boys believe they can now become other people and monsters, much to their delight.
Set in the distant future, Connected is a story about survival and greed with a post apocalyptic wasteland as its backdrop. Survivors of an unknown disaster shuffle through a desolate landscape, as it quickly becomes clear that not everybody has the strength to survive.
A 20-minute sci-fi espionage short film that demonstrates how a small quiet victory tips the balance of power and foretells the outcome of World War II.
Hugh and Erwin were strangers when a chance encounter changed both of their lives over the course of 10 minutes. Hugh's skeptical sarcasm toward Erwin's peculiar fascination with quantum theory turns dead serious when Erwin provides answers to Hugh's inexplicable life.
In a city transformed by a diluvian cataclysm in the distant future, a young indigenous shaman woman's vision is strangely related to a similar vision of an old man's deceased wife across a vast span of time. In their visions the world's future shall be revealed.
The President's Daughter has been kidnapped by the brilliant super-criminal Blood Mamba. All rescue attempts have been thwarted by the evil genius. There's only one thing left to do: send in the Robot. The Robot must fight zombie-monsters and insecurity in order to complete his suicidal mission. This marks the directorial debut of Rob Schrab (Creator of Scud: the Disposable Assassin and Heat Vision and Jack).
Strange Parallel is a documentary/short film revolving around the American singer/songwriter Elliott Smith. The film features interviews with Elliott himself as well as fans, friends and other acquaintances of his (including Gus Van Sant, Larry Crane, and the members of Quasi). The film also includes snippets of Elliott Smith performing as well as footage of him recording an unreleased song, "Brand New Game". The film sometimes moves out of reality, with acted-out, metaphorical sequences that involve Elliott considering purchasing a mechanical hand (a "robot hand" ) to improve his music.
An identity thief must weave his way out of an impossible situation at a small motel when he accidentally steals the identity of a murderer.
For 50 years, Michael and Betty have been united by one guiding principle: no secrets. But when a provocative Tom of Finland doll triggers Michael's long-buried desires, Betty discovers that secrets have been part of their life all along.
Assassins hired by a corporation try to steal a breakthrough serum called Ambrosia, but the sample ends up in the bag of a young woman who becomes their next target.
After the cataclysmic war that all but destroyed civilization, Authan O'Reilly, a soldier now charged with building rather than destroying, has gone AWOL, in search of his past. As his long search draws to a close he arrives at a once thriving city, now a deserted ghost land, he pushes onwards in the hope that he may find some clues amongst remnants of the past.
The story chronicles the last days of a man, victim of an epidemic that has turned mankind into degenerate beings void of consciousness; trying to keep his sanity he fights alone against the disease. Though strong in his will to overcome it, he will fall victim before he is aware of it.
Richard and Rachel are deeply in love but their life together ends when Rachel dies in a tragic accident. Richard, unable to cope with the idea that there will be no more 'later' with Rachel, decides that death doesn't have to be the end.... A Twilight Zone-style story from acclaimed science-fiction writer Michael Marshall Smith.
One man goes up an elevator. Then everything comes down.
A young father listens to his wife soothing their newborn child over the baby monitor. What could possibly go wrong?
Director Jeff Chan re-made the classic viral video 'Charlie Bit My Finger' in a horror film style.
AMG auteur Richard Fontaine started making short, silent posing-pouch snapshot films in the mid-1950s and moved on to sound titles like In the Days of Greek Gods (1958) and Muscles from Outer Space (1962), which featured narratives as well as nudity. Fontaine's films are among the first gay-campaigning documents in American cinema--he often managed to include references to the lowly status of the homosexual. His first feature-length erotic film, In Love Again (1969), is more like propaganda than porn. (from: http://www.glbtq.com/arts/film,3.html)
Dirtpeople are living in misery until the Mighty Soap arrives, who washes them clean.