Three friends decide they're going to grill some food.
Organza, a broke artist living in deep space, must travel across the galaxy to seek revenge on her ex in order to cure her mysterious illness. As she meets strange creatures such as museum curators and cyborg pop stars, she learns that perhaps vulnerability is more important than revenge, after all.
The backstory of the Killer Poop of how he became who he is and where he came from as he kills anyone he runs into.
Zombies have come to life, past victims of the Killer Poop and when the zombies poop, well that poop is not your average day dump. It's zombified.
Inma, a real estate agent, has only one more chance: either she sells the apartment or she is fired.
While Pierrot, surrounded by his friends, is glued to the TV watching a soccer match, Stella, his shy girlfriend, must give up celebrating her birthday. She had planned everything but had forgotten that it was a sacred evening - the second round of the playoffs.
Mr. Hill's last TV work, taped and aired before his death, with outdoor scenes taped in New York City. Highlights of this show include "A Streetcar Named Desirée" (a Tennessee Williams takeoff) and a spoof of "Ask Dr. Ruth" (where he impersonated Dr. Ruth Westheimer and Roseanne).
A human body gradually reconstructs itself as its various component parts crowd themselves into a small room and eventually, after much experimentation, sort out which part goes where.
Private Donald Duck is on a long, long training march, growing steadily more exhausted. Finally, they reach their camp location, and despite Donald's desire for dinner, he follows orders to pitch his tent first. He finally gives up on the tent as night falls. But as he tries to get to sleep, the loud shoring of the other soldiers forces him to bury his head. Finally, he gets to sleep, just as reveille sounds and the march continues.
Donald receives a mail order hypnosis kit complete with hypnotic goggles and decides to test it on Pluto. Using the goggles, he convinces Pluto he is a mouse, a turtle, and a chicken. Each "transformation" Pluto undergoes Donald finds extremely funny so he keeps at it until he notices chicken Pluto getting into a fight with a rooster. Donald helps Pluto win the fight by making him think he's a lion but, unfortunately, the goggles break and Donald is chased about by Pluto until he regains his senses after a fall.
Donald and his nephews are the staff of a fire station. Huey, Dewey, and Louie, annoyed by Donald's snoring, ring the fire alarm. Soon, his bumbling sets the fire station itself on fire. They race off at the alarm, not realizing they are already at the destination, and the firefighting efforts go downhill from there.
A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement that is financed and made possible by brands, advertising and product placement.
A narrator explains the history of the Olympic Games while Goofy demonstrates events.
An Icelandic volcano has blocked air traffic and Thelma’s parents are stuck overseas. Until planes start flying across the sky again Jean, Vincent and Thelma share the same roof.
A critique of liquid love through sarcasm and crude humor. With the desire that the viewer empathize with the protagonists and reflect on the ephemerality of sexual-affective relationships in modern society. At the end of the short film, the transformation of people into mere consumer goods will be clear, which, once they have been used, are discarded
Rodney Dangerfield's first ABC special, featuring stand-up and sketches.
Rodney Dangerfield special, featuring stand-up and sketches.
Goofy shows us, in his inimitable way, the fundamentals of golf, guided as usual by the somewhat sarcastic narrator.
Dinner for One auf Hessisch