Registration of the fourth theatre program by the Dutch comedian Pieter Derks.
Stage registration of the fourth comedy special (2006-2008) by the Dutch comedy troupe De Vliegende Panters (The Flying Panters). This show tells the story about who the Vliegende Panters really are.
The Dutch cabaret artists Harrie Jekkers and Jeroen van Merwijk have performed solo for years. The two old friends have made a program together and perform with songs, stories and dialogues.
A stand-up comedy set by the Dutch comedian Daniël Arends, recorded live in Toomler in January 2007.
Registration of the first theatre show by the Dutch comedian Sanne Wallis de Vries.
Sanne Wallis de Vries: Stuk
Registration of the eight theatre program by the Dutch comedian Richard Groenendijk.
Nigel Williams: Democlash
Registration of the sixt theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen.
Mind you is the fourth theater of the Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen. He performed the show in 2001. The last show was filmed in 2002 and aired on television, the same year that the show on CD and DVD published. It's Teeuwen's most famous and most frequently quoted show. He takes everything on the heel, including racism, blacks, world religions, AIDS patients, women, Jostiband and the Queen of the Netherlands.
Rayen Panday: Fenomeen
The Dutch musical comedian sings and talks about art school, paintings and going underground in this posthumous released registration of his show from 2012.
Herman Finkers: Take it easy, on the double
1. Opening, 2. Ein brief aus holland, 3. Je kunt er geen voorstelling van maken, Mijn broer, 5. Tante Sien, 6. Verkoopt U ook kussentjes? 7. De Ardennen, 8. De omroeppastor, 9. Recept voor een wilde eend, 10. Bonnie of een onmogelijke liefde, 11. Condooms of een onmogelijke liefde, 12. Het meisje van de slijterij, 13. Paterswolde, 14. Klein Duimpje, 15. Trouw nog eenmaal met mij, 16. In de sneeuw van Tirol, 17. Visite, 18. De Kikkerrap, 20. Gebarentaal, 21. Het meisje van de slijterij - besluit.
Roué Verveer: Typisch Surinaams
Jan Jaap van der Wal: Dystopia
Stage registration of the theatreprogram by Dutch musical comedian Hans Dorrestijn and composer Martin van Dijk. The performance takes place in a "madhouse". Dorrestijn is hospitalized because of his suicidal thoughts and Van Dijk for hallucinations as a result of alcohol delirium.
Zijn humoristische stijl kan omschreven worden als absurd, volks, subversief, anarchistisch, kinderlijk, morbide, soms vulgair en populistisch.
Youp van 't Hek: Een Vloek En Een Zucht
Stage registration of the third comedy special by the Dutch comedian Yora Rienstra. When Yora Rienstra and her wife have a child with a donor, she must find her way in an uncharted role.