The story revolves around three characters Hasubhai (Siddharath Randeria), his daughter Kajal (Leena Shah) and his Manager Rasik (Ashish Bhatt). Having a typical Baniya mentality, Hasubhai wanted his daughter Kajal to marry his employee Rasik. However, Kajal is in love with an Ad film Maker. The laughter ride begins when Hasubhai and Rasik take the challenge to induce Kajal for marriage. Will Hasubhai and Rasik win the battle? To find out, watch this breathtaking humorous play. Starring: Siddharth Randeria, Ashish Bhatt, Sachi Joshi, Leena Shah, Rahul Patel, Suraj Vyas,Tanvi Abbas, Himanshu Upadhyay, Mulik Pathak, Krupa Chandera, Yatin Parmar Directed By Siddharth Randeria
Mr. Hasmukhlaal is (un)fortunate enough to keep 2 wives at the same time, but the wives have no knowledge of the other marriage. On top of that, he orchestrates his own death for one family and stays with the other. For a long time it's all fine until his son from the first marriage and his daughter from the second marriage happen to get in touch with each other and plan to meet. And thus starts a roller-coaster ride of confusion and cover-ups. Will the 2 wives ever come to know the truth?
In a land of promises and spirits, Mangdavalo's vow binds him as a ghost, while Padmavati's world crumbles with arranged marriage. Their love defies even death, weaving a tale of magic and sacrifice in a heartwarming journey
Ratan's father promises her hand in marriage to another man. However, she is affectionate towards Ram and thinks of him as her husband.
Prince Dhola is unaware of his childhood marriage to princess Maru, whom he falls in love with as an adult. The couple fight against jealous relatives attempting to break up their relationship.
A princess and a servant boy form an unlikely bond, but their love faces opposition from the king's concerns about social status. Through trials and perseverance, they strive to overcome obstacles and find a way to be together against all odds.
In rural Gujarat, Seth Sagalsha and his wife make a solemn vow to feed a sadhu before eating themselves. When Lord Vishnu tests their resolve, their dedication faces an unexpected challenge. A story of faith and sacrifice unfolds in this poignant short.
In 1890s India, an arrogant British commander challenges the harshly taxed residents of Champaner to a high-stakes cricket match.
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Anu, an innocent eleven year old girl who can not spend a day without her grandmother, and is told that she has gone to "God's House" upon her demise. Now she sets on a journey with a traveling folk group (Bhavai) to find God's house and get her grandmother back. It is a journey of understanding the illusion of life and the reality of death.
Gujarat 11 is the story of an ex-football player, Divya, who takes up the challenge of training juvenile home boys for a state-level football tournament.
Divaswapna is a story of the journey of a village boy named Kanaji who achieved all his dreams with his courage, commitment and passion despite of many odds in his life.
In this movie humanity has been portrayed in a moral and superior manner, and climax will keep the audience on the edge and curious. One should not think defeated till the last breathe because table can turn at any moment in life. A person should be law abiding citizen and work accordingly.
A high profile advocate is infamous for his malpractices. A police officer churns out a strategy to expose the advocate. What follow next are a series of events that lead to an interesting climax.
The story continues with Ah Kun, Osman and Shamugam forming a political party C.M.I to contest in the 1988 General Election.
How To Make A Dangerously Beautiful Woman
Two neighbors and a rough Sunday.
In his hilarious new Comedy special; Rescue Cactus, Chris Fairbanks raves about the death of pool parties, (unintended) seagull fishing, cat dicks, being a good roommate and throwing the most awesome funeral ever. Yes, there’ll be T-shirt canons. Rescue Cactus is an uproariously fun, hour long thrill ride.
Azmi is an editor-in-chief of a newspaper. His dealings with people are serious and away from compliments. Norhan, the famous artist, tries to get close to him by giving precious gifts to him and his wife, so that he publishes news about her, but he refuses,which makes her nitpick on him.