A late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show created by Lorne Michaels. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory and newer cast members. Each episode is hosted by a celebrity guest, who usually delivers an opening monologue and performs in sketches with the cast, and features performances by a musical guest.
La Revue de presse (formerly La Revue de presse des Deux Ânes) is a French humorous television talk show, broadcast since October 17, 2007 on Paris Première. It is hosted by Jérôme de Verdière, and involves several columnists and impersonators.
Monty Python Live at Aspen was a reunion show featuring the five surviving members of Monty Python: John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. Graham Chapman was also allegedly in attendance as his "ashes" were brought out in an urn. The Pythons looked back at their work and received an American Film Industry award. It also featured some memorable moments when Gilliam 'accidentally' kicked over the urn, which Eric Idle said was their biggest audience laugh ever. It was hosted by Robert Klein and featured a cameo by Eddie Izzard. The show was released on DVD by A&E Home Entertainment as part of the Monty Python Live compilation.
Australia's finest raconteurs gather in front of a live audience to reveal their funniest stories, darkest moments and their shameful secrets while sitting in a stupidly ornate chair and reading from an awkwardly large book.
Bravo network executive Andy Cohen discusses pop culture topics with celebrities and reality show personalities.
Korea's version of the late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. The show's comedy sketches, which parody contemporary culture and politics, are performed by a large and varying cast of repertory cast members.
What would you do if you could never escape someone else's shadow, the namesake of yours? Ploy works as an administrative assistant at a large catering company. But there is an “other” Ploy, which has been causing identity confusions and causing headaches for our Ploy throughout her life. At the whim of fate, the other Ploy will also work for the same company, in a higher-level position. The other Ploy also attended the same school as Ploy, and has always been considered the most beautiful, intelligent and popular. Naii works as the main sound director for a film production company. When he suddenly develops the ability to predict the future, he finds himself involved with both Ploys. What will happen to Naii and his two Ploys?
Teenage streamer Cairo is caught off guard when he receives a video call from a new online rival called Gavreel. He is even more surprised when the handsome stranger asks him out. Can two gamers make romance work during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, or will it be game over for their love story?
RuPaul’s Drag Race Werq The World has visited 95 cities across 28 countries over 5 continents. Now the largest drag show on the planet jumps from stage to screen for a massive global fundraiser to help displaced local drag entertainers who have lost their source of income due to the COVID-19 shutdown of bars and clubs!
NZ's first and only live, rather pre-recorded 'as live', late night but closer to prime time, highly scripted yet impromptu breakfast entertainment show.
Watch Upon a Time Late
Bands perform in Berlin's legendary club TRAFO, the concrete temple music.
Space Cadets is a British television program made by Zeppotron for Channel 4. Presented by Johnny Vaughan, it was aired across ten consecutive nights beginning on 7 December 2005, with the final episode aired on the evening of 16 December 2005. It was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes sister show Space Cadets: The Satellite Show, with interviews and phone-ins.
Join Dougie Vipond and Ellie Harrison live on Lewis on the longest day of the year.
Live series revealing the untold story of how Heathrow Airport is run.
Gordon Buchanan, Kate Humble and Simon Reeve head north to follow the remarkable story of polar bears and the Arctic.
Hippo: Wild Feast Live brings you an amazing insight into the rarely-seen world of nature's food chain...LIVE! Bringing the food chain to life, this live experiment allows you to watch as an entire ecological system emerges around the enormous Hippo carcass. Streamed 24/7 using a host of cutting edge technology, we'll present the food chain in action live as the wild animals of Africa come to feast.
Being an astronaut is the most dangerous and extraordinary job there is. But what's life really like in microgravity? This March, Channel 4 will boldly go to space with a groundbreaking new season, Live from Space. We'll meet the astronauts on-board the International Space Station, visit NASA and see Earth from Space.
Trainspotting Live will bring three nights of spotting, joy and excitement to BBC Four as Peter Snow, mathematician Dr Hannah Fry and engineer Dick Strawbridge along with a team of rail train enthusiasts revel in the tantalising intricacies, trade secrets and true pleasures of trainspotting... live!
Find out about the awesome power of volcanoes in some of the most geologically active places on Earth.