Follows the story of six young individuals who work hard to achieve their dreams and also dream of loving someone special and being loved as well. Amora, Bento and Fabio were raised at an orphanage at Capo Verde by Gilson and his wife, Selma. They each took their own path in life when Amora was adopted by actress Barbara Ellen, Fabio with a broke family in the countryside and Bento grew up to become a florist in a cooperative with Gilson, Selma and Giane, a childhood friend Who secretly has a crush on him. Amora becomes a famous model and media personality and socialite Who is brattish and vain, and Malú, her adoptive sister is a responsible, simple and down to earth University student who is unloved by Barbara Ellen who considers her a mistake.
The Good Side of Life tells the story of a naïve young man from the countryside who was abandoned as a newborn against the will of his mother, and who goes to the big city to look for her. There he will also have the chance to meet the love of his life once again. Candinho's optimism and good humor are his allies against life's difficulties, including the plots of two scoundrels that cross his path.
Cassiano, an air force pilot, and Ester, a tourist guide, fall madly in love at a young age. Their love grows throughout the years until they fall victim to a treacherous plot carried out by Alberto. This unscrupulous friend, who secretly loves the young woman, creates a plan to get rid of his rival. After being assigned by Alberto to deliver diamonds in the Caribbean, Cassiano suddenly disappears and is presumed dead. While Cassiano falls prey to dangerous Dom Rafael, Alberto takes the opportunity to comfort Ester and, fulfilling his evil plan, they marry.Cassiano, who remained in captivity for years, manages to escape with the help of a fellow prisoner named Duque and, pretending to be a tourist, reaches Brazil. Now he wants to square accounts with his former friend and reclaim Ester’s love.
Rebelde Way
A man hell-bent on exacting revenge on the organ trafficking organization that murdered his wife becomes involved with the woman who received her heart.
Enamorada is a 1999 telenovela co-produced by Venevisión International and Fonovideo. It is a remake of the 1988 telenovela Alba Marina. Gaby Espino and René Lavan star as the main protagonists.
Alto Astral
Tancinha is a charming fruit seller known for her hot temper who gets torn between an explosive relationship with passionate truck driver Apolo, her neighbour and childhood sweetheart, and an irresistible attraction for Beto, a lady-killer who will not take no for an answer. The girl ends up being caught up in a family feud over the disappearance of her father whom she believed to be dead. Tancinha will leave a path of turmoil along her way to unveil this mystery.
Amor Del Bueno is a 2004 telenovela produced by Venevisión and Iguana Producciones. Venezuelan actors Coraima Torres and Ricardo Álamo star as the main protagonists.
Războiul sexelor
Poliana Moça
Véu de Noiva
Bicho do Mato
A Patota
A Moreninha
À Sombra dos Laranjais
Dona Xepa
Sinhazinha Flô
Lo Que Es el Amor
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