The desolate and mysterious island of Fårö, Sweden, Baltic Sea, 2004. Swedish master filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) looks back on his personal and artistic life; a journey through more than sixty years devoted to film, plays and television programs. (Released in 2006, edited and abridged, as Bergman Island.)
A chronicle of the creative process of the legendary Japanese filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki, a passionate artisan, a steadfast trailblazer, and a father butting heads with his son…
J.K. Rowling’s orphan boy wizard took the world by storm, but before the first book was even published Warner Brothers had their eye on a franchise. But how to make it soar? In a leaky shed in the UK, these cinematic wizards build a whole new world and changed filmmaking forever. Through a revolving door of directors, an assortment of magical creatures, increasing demand for visual effects, and a cast that is growing up, the Harry Potter series continued to fascinate audiences. Get behind the wand to hear the secrets of the trials, threats, and near-death experiences from the people who made the magic happen on Icons Unearthed: Harry Potter.
A portrait of celebrated filmmaker David Chase: his life, his career and his groundbreaking work on the HBO original series The Sopranos.
Flick Flack was a Canadian television series broadcast by Global Television Network in 1974. The series featured interviews with motion picture industry personalities combined with excerpts from films. William Shatner was the regular series host. "It was a TV show produced for Canadian TV. A handful of shows that aired every fortnight for a few months in the 70’s." @WilliamShatner · Sep 15, 2020
Series celebrating the art of the cinema soundtrack, as Neil Brand explores the work of the great movie composers and demonstrates their techniques.
Indie Sex is a 2007 American television documentary film directed by Lesli Klainberg.
In this revival of the groundbreaking series, Issa Rae, Kumail Nanjiani, and Gina Prince-Bythewood search for Hollywood’s next great director.
Acclaimed profiles of eight great American film directors. Produced and directed by Richard Schickel and narrated by Cliff Robertson, with solid interviews and film clips, the series reviews the careers of Raoul Walsh, Frank Capra, Howard Hawks, King Vidor, George Cukor, William A. Wellman, Alfred Hitchcock and Vincente Minnelli.
Ever wonder what it's really like to be in a movie? Go behind the scenes of House of Wax with Chad, Elisha, Paris and Jared.
Hosted by Ian Nathan, this series features the cinematic stories of the Cold War era: propaganda, nuclear fear, a change in the US society; the spy games; and the rise and fall of the USSR and East Germany (and everything in between). Film critics and historians examine the industry both as it was happening in real time, and how films from this period have become seminal classics.
The ultimate insider’s take on today’s great directors.
Besættelsens danske filmkonger
Ian Nathan explores the many layers of the world of filmmaking, discussing each episode with filmmakers, cultural commentators, historians, authors and critics; what defines these stories, how they came to be, and who were the creative forces behind them.
30 Even Scarier Movie Moments was a two-part miniseries on Bravo which counted down 30 more of the most frightening scenes in horror cinema, or any other genre. This is also a two-part sequel to 100 Scariest Movie Moments. The list mostly consists of movies that didn't quite make the first list, or popular movies that had come out since.
Discover the true stories involving very real people, places and events -- some known to the public, others hidden from it -- that went on to inspire some of Hollywood's biggest hits, most iconic heroes and notorious villains.
This documentary series follows two first-time film directors, Shane Dawson and Anna Martemucci, who are given the opportunity to direct separate films adapted from the same original screenplay. The series documents the creation, marketing, and theatrical release of both films, and through multiplatform voting, the audience will ultimately determine which director will be awarded $250,000.
Movie critic Ian Nathan goes in search of the cinematically sublime and explores the ingredients that went into making a classic. With each episode devoted to a single film, their story will be told with detail, affection, looking for the truth behind the myth, and all the trials and triumphs that went into forging the classic.
Movie expert Elwy Yost interviews industry people on both sides of the camera, encouraging them to talk about themselves, the state of their art, and its history. The series features many famous film personalities who, along with producers, directors, designers, screenwriters, and critics, offer candid insights into the making of motion pictures.
An in-depth look into the ground breaking franchise and features new interviews with cast and crew.