Chef Melissa King seeks inspiration and ingredients with the crew at National Geographic.
This docuseries analyzes a murder case implicating a Spanish chef, who built a career in the spotlight through a web of secrets and false identities.
Hoy me quedo en casa
VIP Dance e българската версия на австралийското танцувално шоу "Strictly Dancing". В България то се излъчва по „Нова телевизия“ и в него се надпреварват отбори от по 4 човека - 2 известни личности и 2 професионални танцьори. Всеки танц се изпълнява едновременно от всички членове на отбора. Форматът е на холандската продуцентска компания Ендемол. Според регламента всяка седмица има 2 състезателни вечери - в понеделник и вторник, а по-късно - в неделя и понеделник, като отборите представят по 1 танц в предварително зададен стил. Журито оценява и двата дни, а четирите отбора с най-нисък резултат биват номинирани за отпадане. В петък номинираните отбори изпълняват по 2 танца - 1 на известните личности и 1 на хореографите. Зрителите гласуват за своите фаворите и в края на предаването отборът с най-нисък процент зрителски вот напуска състезанието.
Truth is not what it seems; as the underworld of fashion, the billionaire class, and Jeffrey Epstein are revealed to all be inextricably intertwined with the rise and fall of this legendary brand.
Bureau Rotterdam
Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed it all. The backpacking documentary follows James and Karl as they travel through 20 countries in 4 continents over 9 months, covering a distance of over 42,000 miles.
In this two-part series, we take a look at the monumental discoveries underway, specifically surrounding black holes and meteorites. Black holes have been revealed as one of the foundations for the basic conditions of life. Through black holes, life is possible in an infinite number of places in space. We also follow how meteorites brought the basic substances of life to our planet, allowing for its creation. The films describe the latest findings concerning cosmic events in relation to the origin of life, providing a grandiose perspective of what makes life possible.
Some of the most exciting names in pastry, desserts and all things sweet and delicious will bring their elite skills to the competition as they contend to be the nation’s first Dessert Master, and with $100,000 on the line, the pressure is on not to fudge it up.
A detailed, and unbiased, look at the 43 men who have been the presidents of the United States of America.
Sex, joy and modern science converge in this eye-opening series that celebrates the complex world of women's pleasure — and puts stubborn myths to rest.
Raíces, la historia de Carlos Maldonado
Nanny 911 is a reality television show in the United States, which originally aired on FOX. On February 27, 2008, FOX announced that they sold the rights to Nanny 911 to CMT. The show has also had reruns on ABC Family in 2008. New episodes of the series began airing on CMT in April 2009 until June 2009. However, no new episodes have been produced since then with no word on whether the show will make another return.
How do mathematical codes and alchemical clues left within the works of Shakespeare reveal his connections with Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and royal families? Enter the gateway into a hidden world of espionage and esoterica as author Alan W. Green connects some of the biggest names and secret societies throughout history. From encoded messages within Shakespeare’s sonnets and Renaissance-era ciphers to modern revelations only recently discovered, Green guides us through layers of mysteries to uncover truths almost lost to time.
Crazy Trip Tailandia
A reality series that gives an exclusive look and follows the lives of 6 unique, interesting and dynamic women from the Winelands and their lavish lifestyles.
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The ocean floor is home to centuries' worth of sunken vessels integrated into marine habitats. Explore extraordinary wrecks around the world and learn how these artificial structures have become a part of the ecosystem--and in some cases, a vital tool in reversing the effects of human impact.
With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to the financial crisis, the decade shows not only a period of turmoil in the United States but its also a golden age when the Internet hadnt been colonized by corporations, when social media was still young and fresh and when it was easy to make money.
Six singles who have tried everything in the search for great love are matched by a team of experts. In front of the television cameras, they will then get married, even though they have never met before. The couple will live as husband and wife for four weeks. If love arises, the experiment has been successful, if not - they must divorce. Could an arranged marriage be the way to great love?