Time Team is a British television series which has been aired on British Channel 4 from 1994. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson explaining the process in layman's terms. This team of specialists changed throughout the series' run, although has consistently included professional archaeologists such as Mick Aston, Carenza Lewis, Francis Pryor and Phil Harding. The sites excavated over the show's run have ranged in date from the Palaeolithic right through to the Second World War.
Archaeologist Ben Robinson explores the story of the village from Norman times to the present day. With ancient churches, castles, market places and cottages, the English village is a magnet for tourists. This cosy, picture postcard image is a snapshot of England which is recognised across the globe. But the story of the village from ancient times to the present day is not one of sleepy rural idylls. It is a story of purpose, persistence and power. ‘Pubs, Ponds and Power – The Story of the Village’ looks at how some of England’s greatest villages have evolved over time.
Iain Stewart reveals some surprising facts about the world's most destructive and spectacular natural phenomena, from earthquakes and tsunamis to avalanches and volcanoes.
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Zoboomafoo is an American children's television series that aired from January 25, 1999, to April 28, 2001, and is still shown today in syndication depending on the area, and it is regularly shown on PBS Kids Sprout. A total of 65 episodes were aired. A creation of the Kratt Brothers, it features a talking Coquerel's Sifaka, a type of lemur, named Zoboomafoo, or Zoboo for short, and a collection of repeat animal guests. Every episode begins with the Kratt brothers in "Animal Junction", a peculiar place in which the rules of nature change and wild animals come to visit and play. After January 16, 2004, the show was pulled from its weekday airing on most PBS stations, though some continue to air the show.
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Attention please! Are you ready for an adventurous tour through the human body? With a lot of humour, our physical appearance is being introduced from head to toe along cells and organs in an educational way. The heart, blood, nerves and kidneys, each single one is a miracle which renders life possible.
This two-part series profiles Princess Margaret, whose life and loves reflected the social and sexual revolution that transformed Britain during the 20th century.
A lecture series about the basic problems of flight, explained by visual presentation of flow experiments. As the material of the lectures should be understood by every interested listener, no mathematical or other theoretical knowledge is used for explanation. Every problem is demonstrated by a true-life experiment and purely scientific language is avoided. Each of the lectures deals with a basic problem of flight. The experiments are mostly shown as flow picture but at certain points scale models and flying models are used to ensure easier understanding.
From germs and emotions to social media and more, it's the science of your world explained in a way that's refreshingly relatable.
The history of the European peasantry, which has undergone many upheavals over the centuries: from its rise in the Middle Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, through the oppression of the nobility and the Church, to the struggles for freedom and modernization in the present era.
Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau, explores the most spectacular places - on the earth, inside the earth, and above the earth - in this riveting earth science series.
Hosted by Jochen Schropp, this series combines hard data and scientific observations with some of the most outrageous, hilarious and spectacularly painful bloopers ever recorded on video.
Science of action is described in several different daily routine activities like sports, stunts, adventures, and things that should not be done at home. This series shows videos of people hurting themselves and explains the science behind them.
Hosted by Argentine television personality Alejandro Marley, this series combines hard data and scientific observation with some of the most outrageous, hilarious and spectacularly-painful bloopers ever recorded on video.
Hosted by Ymke Wieringa, this series combines hard data and scientific observations with some of the most outrageous, hilarious and spectacularly painful bloopers ever recorded on video.
Science of Stupid reveals through science experts exactly how & why adventures turn to misadventures.
While scams have always been around, the internet means the number of people falling for them is rising exponentially. Nigel Latta shows us different types of scams and the specific traits that make us vulnerable to being ripped off!
A series of very short films inspired by the amazing and often bizarre sexual practices of insects and other creatures.
It's "Mr. Wizard" for a different decade. Bill Nye is the Science Guy, a host who's hooked on experimenting and explaining. Picking one topic per show (like the human heart or electricity), Nye gets creative with teaching kids and adults alike the nuances of science.