The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animation, the makers of the Ice Age films. An imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey) hears a faint cry for help coming from a tiny speck of dust floating through the air. Horton suspects there may be life on that speck and despite a surrounding community, which thinks he has lost his mind, he is determined to save the tiny particle! Jim Carrey and Steve Carell lead an all-star cast in bringing this wonderful family picture to life!
When an extraordinary new resident – Balakrishna, an Indian elephant – arrived in the town of East River, Nova Scotia, in 1967, no one was more in awe of the creature than young Winton Cook, who became inseparable from his mammoth new friend. Using painterly animation, photographs and home-movie treasures, Balakrishna transmits the wistfulness of childhood memories, while evoking themes of friendship and loss, and issues of immigration and elephant conservation.
A passionate porcelain salesman finds himself faced with a slight problem that threatens his store.
In the pilot for George of the Jungle, two poachers try to capture George's elephant Shep
The noble stallion Black Beauty is prophesied to save the animal kingdom from the coming of the Dark Horse Alta and the endless machinations of the pirate parrot wizard Crosseye
After the death of his friend Begbie, Palomar decides to go to the City, a bizarre and intimidating metropolis, whose citizens have abolished sleeping and the law of gravity. To get there, the man waits for a bus that never comes, falling into a restless and suffocating wait.
Going on a safari is a dream for many. For middle-aged couple Linda and Troyer, it turns into a horribly real adventure when they get left behind in the wilderness.
One century ago, a French circus elephant got himself into trouble.
The composer's work, in black and white, disturbed by an elephant... and the melody, creating colours and unusual, fanciful shapes. In 1984, Pavel Koutsky worked on this film called Laterna musica inspired by Houslovy koncert (Paganini concert).
An educational short featuring Jiminy Cricket.
After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by a desperate village to find a mystical stone. He agrees – and stumbles upon a secret cult plotting a terrible plan in the catacombs of an ancient palace.
Punyalan Agarbattis is the story of Joy Thakkolkaran, a young entrepreuner from Thrissur. His new business venture 'Punyalan Agarbattis' involves manufacturing agarbattis from elephant dung. Fragrance and quality of his incense sticks aside, its mosquito repellant capabilities too have pleased those who tried the samples. However, Joy suddenly has a new set of people and problems as 'Punyalan Agarbattis' comes to a halt.
The jungle boy tries to stop a herd of rogue elephants.
Alexander, the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians, he leads his army across the then known world, venturing farther than any westerner had ever gone, all the way to India.
An unusual game of chess between two rivals.
Based on the famous book by Jules Verne the movie follows Phileas Fogg on his journey around the world. Which has to be completed within 80 days, a very short period for those days.
Roar follows a family who are attacked by various African animals at the secluded home of their keeper.
A true story about an Englishman working as a game warden in Kenya who is disgusted by the ongoing destruction of African wildlife, and decides to create a national park to protect them.
A female wildlife photographer arrives on an East African reservation where a group of men trap wild animals for zoos and circuses.