Alexandre Barrette: Semi-Croquant
L'Incroyable Show d'Eric Antoine
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Bérengère Krief - Amour
Raymond Devos à l'Olympia
Mimie Mathy - J'adore papoter avec vous
Les confessions de Stéphane Rousseau
Skteches: Le Psy La boutique de souvenirs Les petits râteaux de Flo Forrest Gump Tâte vins Quizz international L'entretien d'embauche Le casque (issu de "2 schuss") Nuisances sur plage (issu de "2 baigne")
Eric Antoine - Magic Délirium
Claudia Tagbo - Grand Gala de l'Humour
In his fourth season on the farm (and his first as a married man) Walt Wingfield tries to preserve the memory of the old rural community of Persephone Township by promoting the crumbling Hollyhock Mill as a museum site. But the locals say the mill is haunted. Undaunted by such superstitious fears, Walt sets out to prove to the neighbours that there's nothing to this curse business - with near disastrous results.
As the first frosts come to Persephone Township Walt and Maggie Wingfield are all set to welcome new life to the farm. She's expecting, and he's nesting. But Walt is alarmed about the old feuds that divide the neighbours and disturb the tranquillity of the community. His attempts to mend other people's fences meet with a resistance as stiff and cold as the weather itself. And the biggest challenge to them all is looming on the horizon.
A biography of President Harry S. Truman.
Anthony Kavanagh - Show Man
Vérino se paye l'Olympia
Writer-actor Aaron Davidman embodies seventeen different characters in and around the sacred city of Jerusalem as he takes us on an eye-opening journey into the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian story. Exploring universal questions of identity and human connection, the film is about one man's effort to embrace a multiplicity of conflicting viewpoints, chronicling a brave exploration of the complex humanity at the heart of one of the world's most troubling conflicts.
Det är roligt att ge upp och erkänna att det var bättre förr. Henrik Schyffert tycker det i alla fall. Mobbaren från Killinggänget har nämligen fått grånande tinningar och börjat fundera över sin generations historia. Varför blev saker och ting som de blev? Henrik Schyffert har kommit för att ge oss perspektiv. I en ömsint men rolig monolog står han upp för sig själv och sin mission att reclaima the 90's!
"This is my 10th Show. It has to be celebrated !!! For the occasion I decided to give the floor to women !!! This is my first one-womanshow. Me as a woman .... I guarantee that men are going to take it up in the face… me first !!! " J-M Bigard
Monologuist Spalding Gray talks about the great difficulties he experienced while attempting to write his first novel, a nearly 2,000-page autobiographical tome concerning the death of his mother. Among his many asides, Gray discusses his problems in dealing with the Hollywood film industry, recounts the trips he took around the world in order to avoid dealing with his writer's block and describes his ambivalence about acting as stage manager for a Broadway production of "Our Town."
Actor Robert Vaughn takes on writer Dore Schary's acclaimed one-man play, "Sunrise at Campobello," bringing to life one of America's most beloved and influential presidents: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Focusing primarily on the political figure's battle with polio, this made-for-TV movie reveals the humanity and grace of the man who led the country through some of its toughest times, including the Great Depression and World War II.