Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Personnages
Juste pour rire 2016 - Maxim Martin vs Dominic Paquet
Juste pour rire 2016 - Philippe Bond vs Michel Barrette
Juste pour rire 2016 - Dominic et Martin vs Les Denis Drolet
Juste pour rire 2016 - Laurent Paquin vs Cathy Gauthier
Juste pour rire 2017 - L'Événement JMP 10e anniversaire!
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Sketchs
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Stand-Up
Juste pour rire 2016 - Rachid Badouri VS Éric Antoine
Juste pour rire 2016 - Guillaume Wagner vs Guy Nantel
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Absurde
Juste Pour Rire 2017 - Gala Juste Raconteurs
Cabaret à Laurent Paquin 2019
God, disgusted with what has become of humanity, decides to eliminate his creatures for good. Paradoxically, Satan is the only one standing in his way.
When two bounty hunters from different backgrounds stumble upon the same prize, they are forced to work together to navigate the treacherous galaxy.
A brain damaged artist gives his first interview, and finds himself confronted by everything that has led him to this moment.
Pilot that was not picked up by ABC about the escapades of skid-row bums living at an inner-city mission.
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