This 1991 Academy Award®-winning documentary uncovers the disastrous health and environmental side effects caused by the production of nuclear materials by the General Electric Corporation.
Alaska's Giant Bears
Soon after we meet Manyari, the queen of her pride, she does something both unusual and bold: She leaves the sanctuary of the clan with her young cubs and takes them on a dangerous odyssey. She makes a bid to escape because two young bloods are sniffing around, and if they take over the pride, they will kill her cubs
Since the summer of 2020, boats along the Atlantic coast from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Bay of Biscay in the north have been repeatedly attacked by orcas. The whales purposefully attack the rudders and destroy them. Researchers are trying to find out what drives them. Curiosity? Competition for food? Or play?
Tokio - Die Stadtkultur von morgen
Follow a multi-generational orangutan family through their treetop triumphs and travails in this immersive documentary narrated by David Attenborough.
L'Europe à la reconquête de la biodiversité
The short documentary visits the groundhog research center in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. It was made for Sony Home Entertainment's 15th anniversary edition DVD release of the 1993 film, "Groundhog Day." It was filmed on location at the silver mining ghost town of Gothic, Colorado, near Crested Butte. The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory has been located there since its founding in 1928.
Geheimnisvolle Eichhörnchen
Shark expert Neil Hammerschlag and a crew of researchers search for an elusive hammerhead shark.
Following fateful scientific reports, protestors pose the argument for a better future against the vested interest of industry. Small to large, individual to collective, where do I fit into this?
Wisconsin's tribe's ongoing fight to protect Lake Superior for future generations. "Bad River" shows the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa's long history of activism and resistance in the context of continuing legal battles with Enbridge Energy over its Line 5 oil pipeline. The Line 5 pipeline has been operating on 12 miles of the Bad River Band's land with expired easements for more than a decade. The Band and the Canadian company have been locked in a legal battle over the pipeline since 2019.
An exploration of the diversity of moths and butterflies from caterpillars to larvae to chrysalis to winged flight. The documentary covers camouflage and other anti-predatory tactics along with uniqueness of different species and amazing feats and colors.
Africa in the sixties. The Nile perch, a ravenous predator, is introduced into Lake Victoria as a scientific experiment, causing the extinction of many native species. Its meat is exported everywhere in exchange for weapons, creating a globalized evil alliance on the lake shores. An infernal nightmare in the real world that wipes out Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
A professor develops an extraordinary relationship with an octopus when he invites it to live in his home. The octopus, called Heidi, unravels puzzles, recognises individual humans and even watches TV with the family. The episode also shows remarkable behaviour from around the world - from the day octopus, which can change colour and texture in a split second, to the coconut octopus, which carries around its own coconut shell to hide in. But most fascinating of all is seeing how Professor David Scheel and his daughter Laurel bond with an animal that has nine brains, three hearts and blue blood running through its veins.
“Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a captivating mini-documentary that takes us on a fascinating journey through the world of a skilled artisan who works with wood at an eco-solidarity fair held in a university environment. In this brief and inspiring portrait, we explore the life and craft of Manoel, a master craftsman whose hands transform tree trunks into true works of art. Through beautiful images, testimonials and captivating photographs, the documentary reveals Manoel's passion for his art. He shares his inspirations and motivations, highlighting how his work is deeply rooted in sustainability and respect for nature. “Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a mini-documentary that not only celebrates the talent and dedication of an exceptional artisan, but also reminds us of the importance of supporting initiatives and fairs that promote eco-solidarity, art and sustainability in a vibrant and inspiring university .
Au coeur des Grangettes
Symphonie de la nature dans la Grande Cariçaie