Three Fugitives

They rob banks. She steals hearts.

Comedy Crime
96 min     6.68     1989     USA


On his first day after being released from jail for 14 armed bank robberies, Lucas finds himself caught up in someone else's robbery. Perry has decided to hold up the local bank to raise money so that he can keep his daughter, Meg, and get her the treatment she needs. Dugan, a detective, assumes Lucas helped plan the robbery, and hence Lucas, Perry and Meg become three fugitives.


kevin2019 wrote:
"Three Fugitives" has an opening twenty minutes which could have been problematic it has been so well executed, but fortunately this film has something truly worthwhile to develop into. It boasts a lot of good action sequences and features comedy which is genuinely funny - especially during the bank robbery at the beginning. It also manages to strike an incredibly entertaining balance between being a whimsical slice of family friendly fare with the always charming and delightful presence of Sarah Rowland Doroff - an absolutely enchanting child able to effectively burrow her way beneath even Nick Nolte's gruff exterior to secure a place in his affections - and something aimed towards a more mature audience by providing a liberal serving of swearing and violence. This parallel approach could have derailed the entire film and it is a relief to find out the complete opposite just happens to be true.
