A wildly unusual story set in the earliest days of the Meiji era. The story centers around a gathering place called The Mermaid Saloon, where scantily clad pearl divers put on a show while two residents of the inn upstairs...
Ryoma ga Yuku is a five-hour epic which chronicles the life of Sakamoto Ryoma, a pre-revolutionary who helped shape the face of modern Japan. In order to study swordsmanship, Ryoma heads for Edo where he meets many people who influence his thinking. He becomes close friends with men like Katsu Kaishu and Saigo Takamori and later establishes a naval training school in Kobe. Ryoma's controversial political views make him a target for shogunate assassins but his fervent belief in a classless society helps forge the Choshu-Satsuma alliance which ultimately brings about the Meiji Restoration.
After spending 20 years searching for the object of his vengeance, Sekiya Kanbei discovers he is now a ronin. Inui Sanshiro was the head of a clan until his son succeeded him, or so he says. Genmu claims to have once been a ninja. These three elderly men join forces to travel the Japanese countryside together. Along the way, they encounter situations that bring out the "warrior" in each of them, and soon they are fighting the corruption and injustices that plague the common people.
The drama depicts in the late Edo period in Nagasaki, Hiramatsu takes up Nagasaki bugyō`s head post. He likes alcohol and women. Furthermore He is always willing to accept a bribe from villains so they consider it is easy to manipulate him. But he is just pretending to be idiot and he kills villains who escape justice despite their crimes.
During the Warring States era, two military geniuses stepped forward as strategists for Oda Nobunaga in his quest to unify Japan. Sir Hanbei and Sir Kanbei were the two strategists that strove to create a world with politics for everyone and with no wars.
After the 'Incident at Honnoji' (assassination of Oda Nobunaga by Akechi Mitsuhide, a former trusted general), a group of Tokugawa samurai are rescued by a youth named Yagyu Munenori (2nd son of Yagyu Sekishusai from Yamato) and Kizaru (a Ninja), as they are chased by a bloodthirsty group of samurai. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the lord of his clan, then lave a very special gift to Munenori; a samurai's pillbox, (a veritable work of art, with beautiful lacquered designs) which signifies that he is to be hired by the Tokugawa Clan when he grows up. As a result of the assassination, Toyotomi Hideyoshi became the sole ruler of Japan, and confiscated the Yagyu lands since they had sided with the traitorous Akechi. The Yagyu Clan was considerably weakened, and all but disappeared during Hideyoshi's reign as 'Taiko'.
The sequel to The Yagyu Conspiracy picks up when Yagyu Jubei (Sonny Chiba) has a falling out with the Shogun, and sets out on his own as a wanted man. Featuring the martial art skills of Sue Shiomi (Sister Streetfighter) as she is on official patrol with Jubei watching over her, making sure that he gets to fight in each episode as well. This is one of the best and most exciting television series to ever hit the airwaves.
With an all-star cast led by Matsudaira Ken and Natsuyagi Isao, this exciting tale set in the aftermath of the fall of Osaka Castle tells the story of the last of the Toyotomi heirs in his quest for revenge against the Tokugawa. Hidenari, the son of Hideyori and grandson of Hideyoshi is smuggled to safety after his hideout is discovered. Bringing together many of the most renowned historical figures from that era, including Hattori Hanzo, Yagyu Jubei, and Miyamoto Musashi, the gathering forces of each faction strive to succeed in battle. Spectacular action sequences abound as some of the most powerful forces in Japan prepare to meet on the field of battle! Original story by Shibata Renzaburo.
Monzaemon Chikamatsu is a middle-age dramatist of jōruri (form of puppet theater that preceded bunraku and kabuki), but he is in a slump. His wife left him and his mother is fed up with him. All he does now is drink. The man then meets a gambler named Mankichi and his life begins to change.
Unokichi , the grandchild of Edo’s wealthiest merchant Mikuniya Tokuemon, becomes a constable in an unexpected turn of events. His immense wealth and detached manner amazes his colleagues. However, Unokichi does not care at all. He is hopeless with the sword, cannot run and is afraid of the dark. Although he is totally unsuitable for the job, he keeps causing misunderstandings with the people around him as he solves many cases that occur in Edo with their help.
The story of the battles between the 3 related families Kishu, Mito, and Owari, as each vies for the shogun’s seat in the line of succession. Highlighting the series are many fights between the young lord’s Negoro ninja helpers and their mortal enemies, the Koga ninja. History comes alive with the bloody blades of the three families at war within the highest levels of government as the search for a new shogun continues!
The 40th NHK Taiga Drama is Hojo Tokimune. It tells the dramatic and turbulent life of young shikken Hojo Tokimune, and his successful defense of Japan from invasion by Mongolia in the 1200's. It is a tragic story of betrayal and clan wars and Hojo Tokimune is at the center of it all. The main focus of the story is Hojo Tokiyori's older sons, their relationship, and their views and actions concerning Kublai Khan's attempted invasion. The two brothers, Tokimune and Tokisuke, are torn apart by politics.
Kazutoyo lived during the end of the Sengoku period (1546-1605). He was the first feudal lord of the fief of Tosa on the island of Shikoku. He served Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Chiyo (1557-1617) was his wife, and was known in history for her dedication and devotion to her husband (like Matsu was to Toshiie in Toshiie to Matsu). She is the daughter of a samurai who served the feudal lord Asai.
The story takes place during the Muromachi period of Ancient Japan, in the midst of the Ōnin War. The main character in the series is Tomiko Hino, a historical figure with a bad reputation because of her actions to rebuild Kyoto after the Ōnin War.
This drama tells the story of the Oushu Fujiwara clan spanning generations, 140 years in the late Heian era. They established their domain in Touhoku area (North-east area of Japan), independent from the rule of Minamoto clan.
On March 23, 1585, Japanese Christian envoys visited Pope Gregory XIII at the Papal Court in Rome, Italy. The drama begins 45 years earlier - in 1540 outside Lisbon, Portugal.
Focusing on the life of Nene, the good wife who supported Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the world of the Warring States and the rise and fall of the Toyotomi family are depicted from the perspective of a woman.
It depicts how the winner, the Satsuma Clan, and the loser, the Aizu Clan, survive through the Edo period and the Meiji Restoration in their respective ways of life.
Kaze to kumo to Niji to deals with the Heian period in Japan. Based on Chōgorō Kaionji`s novels Taira no Masakado and Umi to Kaze to Niji to. The drama was made by Go Kato`s request. The story chronicles the life of Taira no Masakado . The story begins with Masakado′s childhood. Masakado happens to meet Fujiwara no Hidesato, and he thinks that he want to be great Samurai like Hidesato in the future.
Shibusawa Eiichi was born in 1840 to a farmer’s family. He grew up helping his family with work, which was to manufacture and sell indigo production and also silk farming. He left his hometown at the age of 23 and began working for the government. He later traveled to Paris and learned about banking. Upon his return to Japan, he helped build up the first modern bank in Japan. He eventually became a founder or supporter to about 500 companies and was involved with about 600 public services, including education for women.