Light Up the Night is an analog science-fiction short film set in an Orwellian, futuristic 1980s. The story tells the tensions flaring between rebellious citizens and robotic law enforcement. We are introduced to two dissidents as they take aim at the city's looming, panoptic control tower, while local band The Protomen take the stage amidst the action, inciting unrest as they narrate the struggle.
Astronauts search for solutions to save a dying Earth by searching on Mars, only to have the mission go terribly awry.
An anthology of 26 fan entries submitted for inclusion in ABCs of Death 2, each offering various takes on the letter "M".
After a comet disrupts the rain cycle of Earth, the planet has become a desolate, barren desert by the year 2033. With resources scarce, Kesslee — head of the powerful and evil Water & Power Corporation, the de facto government — has taken control of the water supply. Unwilling to cower under Kesslee's tyrannical rule, a pair of outlaws known as Tank Girl and Jet Girl rise up, joining the mysterious rebel Rippers to destroy the corrupt system.
A lone rambler has a terrifying encounter when he travels a lonely path in a forgotten wood
A teenage girl and a young boy run for their lives to cross 'The Line', but are they running away from danger or towards it?
Two "Normal" teenagers - they cut classes, get into fights and are never far from their Walkman headsets - notice a sudden change in their fellow students. No one is able to explain this zombie-like behavior which, at the command of an unseen alien, makes them punish transgressors with merciless violence.
A step-by-step guide to terraforming Mars, transforming a frigid desert planet into a living world.
A step back in time to witness the origins of the mysterious Mr. X and witness the events that led to the creation of the infamous C600.
After the mysterious death of his father, Aaron O'Donnell, a ruthless capitalist, decides to take the reins as the leader of Borealis. However, his brother Andrew sets out to hijack his dictatorship and warn not only the residents of Borealis, but all future visitors of the danger Aaron poses.
A team of astronauts on the first mission to Mars crashes onto the surface, losing contact with Earth. With no other recourse, and help millions of miles away, the crew is forced to make desperate choices in order to stay alive. Will they be able to survive as the minutes slip away?
The Making of 'The Thing'
The film focuses on the thoughts inside the head of a man, an astronaut scheduled to go to the Moon. As he ponders the flight, he laments having an “ordinary” name he fears will not resonate throughout history. His thoughts lead him to consider some of the pioneers of flight-Icarus and his wings, the Montgolfier brothers and their balloon and the Wright brothers and heavier than air flight.
An old Laotian hermit discovers that the ghost of a road accident victim can transport him back in time fifty years to the moment of his mother's painful death.
A Special Agent is called in to solve a murder, using a device that would allow him inside the memories of the victim. While there he not only solves the murder but finds out more than he ever thought he would.
Nazi propaganda film about the embryo of metal falling from the sky, extracted by the German industry for various purposes.
A young man’s life is suddenly and inexplicably derailed, as he finds himself at the mercy of automated ‘justice’.
A grief counselor is visited by a very disturbed man.
After her best friend leaves to Lunar University, Geo has to deal with his absence on Earth when carnival season arrives.
Beta testing the new product has been going horribly wrong. One office worker (Stanley) has had enough after it kills his entire family.