孤独のグルメ 2020大晦日スペシャル~俺の食事に密はない
孤独のグルメ2019大晦日スペシャル 緊急指令! 成田~福岡~釜山 弾丸出張編!
Garo cartoonists Dynamite Crazy Party. A live concert centered around Garo cartoonists
Kodokunogurume ōmisoka supesharu ~ tabe-osame! Setouchi shutchō-hen ~
This one proves that it's all a big fake, and the myth of the Guinea Pig movies being actual snuff is not true. The girl from "Devil's Experiment" laughs while her flesh gets twisted. The guy from "He Never Dies" longs to take the latex applications off.
In conversation with... Japan expert Robert Campbell sits down with individuals from all walks of life whose drive and perspectives are changing Japan.
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine.