Churches, residences, an undertaker, and unidentified locations mainly in Indianapolis, IN; Denison, TX; New Orleans, LA; Nashville, TN; and Memphis, TN.
Turkey Day, football game, symphony, hair salons and other locations in Okmulgee, OK; Muskogee, OK; near Little Rock, AR; St Louis, MO; and England, AK.
Schools, train scene, auto collision, stores, and boy prisoners in Muskogee, OK; Harlinville, OK; Depew, OK; and McAlister, OK.
Ships, ship travel, and royal locations in London and Liverpool, England; well-known and typical sights in Paris, Versailles, and Marseilles, France.
Schools, churches, market, and stockholder meeting in Memphis, TN; Duncan, OK; Okemah, OK; and Boley, OK.
Residences, churches, funeral march, school children in Muskogee, OK; Taft, OK; and Okmulgee, OK.
Ministers and various other people in Nashville, TN; Beaumont,TX.
Residences, offices, funeral homes, and Native Americans in Muskogee, OK.
Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and Galilee, Israel.
Well-known locations in New York City. Clergy and others in Chicago; Muskogee, OK; and Bristow, OK.
Various scenes in Switzerland, Italy, Egypt, and Israel.
Schools in Haskell, OK; Coweta, OK; Gibson Station, OK; Checotah, OK; and Boynton, OK.
Residences, clergy, and other locations in Clearview, OK; Okmulgee, OK; Muskogee, OK; Wetumka, OK; Okmulgee, OK; Wewoka, OK; Holdenville, OK; Shawnee, OK;
Boarding house, schools, spelling bee and other activities in Langston, OK; Chandler, OK; Muskogee, OK; Oklahoma City, OK; and adventure series.
Adventure series; churches, businesses and schools in Okmulgee, OK; Tulsa, OK; Muskogee, OK.
National Baptist Convention in Kansas City, MO; streets in Chicago, IL; backwaters in Madison, IA.
Schools, businesses and other locations in Kansas City, MO; Boley, OK; Tulsa, OK; Taft, OK; Muskogee, OK.
Residences markets, schools and other locations in Okmulgee, OK.
Stores, residences, churches and other locations in Muskogee, OK, and Tullahassee, OK.
Stores, schools, churches and other locations in Wellston, OK; Okmulgee, OK; Sapulpa, OK; Drumright, OK; El Reno, OK; and Oklahoma City, OK.