Four-Point Conics

Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics

Animation Documentary
11 min     5     1961     Canada


An experimental mathematics film designed to elucidate the study of four-line conics.


CinemaSerf wrote:
Now I suppose if you know anything about four-point conics, then this may make much more sense to you than if not. I'm in the latter camp, quite emphatically - having had little use for conics save for ice-cream and Halloween hats, so this proved to be quite an interesting series of line drawings, with the occasional dots (there are four, oddly enough) and we follow just how the lines swivel and swerve around creating everything from a triangle to a rhombus to a circle and a cone. Quite what the point was isn't helped by there being no narration or sound of any variety at all to assist us, so I am guessing this is a teaching aid over which a professional might have talked during the screening of these increasingly complex graphics in class room? It got a BAFTA award nomination - so someone, somewhere, must know what it's about!
