“Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a captivating mini-documentary that takes us on a fascinating journey through the world of a skilled artisan who works with wood at an eco-solidarity fair held in a university environment. In this brief and inspiring portrait, we explore the life and craft of Manoel, a master craftsman whose hands transform tree trunks into true works of art. Through beautiful images, testimonials and captivating photographs, the documentary reveals Manoel's passion for his art. He shares his inspirations and motivations, highlighting how his work is deeply rooted in sustainability and respect for nature. “Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a mini-documentary that not only celebrates the talent and dedication of an exceptional artisan, but also reminds us of the importance of supporting initiatives and fairs that promote eco-solidarity, art and sustainability in a vibrant and inspiring university .
Pushed to his breaking point, a master welder in a small town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains quietly fortifies a bulldozer with 30 tons of concrete and steel and seeks to destroy those he believes have wronged him.
This hilarious, behind-the-scenes adventure shows the unforgettable, year-long production that Trevor Hawkins and his skeleton-crew of endearing renegades went through to bring their gritty film, Lotawana, to life.
As the filmmaker pursues a creative career, she goes looking for others in similar positions to explore what her decision entails. Mixing experimental art and documentary film, the work explores the real and imaginary boundaries of creativity.
Under the tutelage of anthropologist Franz Boas (her former Columbia professor) and Harlem Renaissance arts patron Charlotte Osgood Mason, Zora Neale Hurston spent nearly two years, from 1927 to 1929, studying the folkloric customs, work songs, spirituals, and vernacular language of African American communities along the River Road and from New Orleans to Florida.
Harley Russell, 73, lives only on the tips he receives at his wacky store at Erick (Oklahoma) with his Mediocre Music Maker show. Ángel Delgadillo, 91, the last barber of Seligman (Arizona), continues shaving drivers who go out of the interstate highway to visit his town. Lowell Davis, more than 80, is the first inhabitant of Red Oak II (Missouri), a ghost town which he rebuilt through the restoration of its old houses. Three stories of perseverance and overcoming in what was once the road that connected the United States from East to West. Three survivors that managed to save the most well-known route in America.
Kuyashii Gonzo: Blood Visions and Chaos Magic is a Gonzo documentary about trying to make a no-budget feature film against the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment, and death. To never give up, no matter how hard things get.
The super-rich determines virtually every aspect of the lives of the other 90% of Americans. This film examines the hidden struggles of American families, the calculated political maneuvers of the elite, and the long overdue uprising of American workers. With affection for the middle-class and the outrageous attempt to color them as lazy, the film explores the question: How do we make sure workers are paid what they are worth, instead of believing they are only worth what they are paid?
In 1976 a book was published titled "The Creature" that swept over Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers all over the state of Pennsylvania. Since then, it has been the most quoted work on the subject of Bigfoot. But, who was the author and was there any truth in the story? The mystery behind the author and the fascinating story known as "The Creature" has never been solved. Was it an elaborate hoax or could the remains of a Bigfoot be buried in the foothills of Pennsylvania.
Quand la Seine débordera
Documentary film about the making of Arttu Haglund's feature film Gone.
In the 1950s, a devastating fog descended on London and enveloped the capital for several days, leaving Londoners lost in their own streets in one of the UK's biggest peacetime catastrophes.
With rising sea levels, land reclamation runs rampant in Singapore. Labrador Park is one such waterfront facing this change, and both the ecosystem and frequent fishermen have often been overlooked. This documentary seeks to explore the park's development from a scientific, economic and sociological perspective, produced in collaboration with SOTA and NUS.
A look at the state of the global environment including visionary and practical solutions for restoring the planet's ecosystems. Featuring ongoing dialogues of experts from all over the world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former head of the CIA R. James Woolse
The Harvest Mouse: Grassland Acrobat
Biosludged reveals how the EPA is committing science fraud to allow the ongoing poisoning of our world with toxic sewage sludge that's being spread on food crops. Features former top government scientist and EPA whistleblower Dr. David Lewis.
An indie documentary exploring the art form of hand-drawn animation through a contemporary lens in the digital era. Featuring insights and anecdotes by hand-drawn animation artists from around the world.
Atmospheric soundtrack follows this compilation of nature footage that focuses on the ocean and various life forms that live, mate and die in it.
An educational film about the life cycles of various types of pond life.
In this short documentary film, the activation of grandma's memory is explored by revisiting old pictures of her loved ones.