A groundbreaking documentary on the internationally renowned painter, designated by ARTnews Magazine one of the world's top-ten living artists. This documentary was shot over a period of four years, from 1998 through 2002, Agnes Martin's ninetieth year. Interviews with Martin are inter-cut with shots at work in her studio in Taos, New Mexico, with photographs and archival footage, and with images of her work from over five decades. It is a venue for Martin to speak about her work, her working methods, her life as an artist, and her views about the creative process. She also discusses her film, "Gabriel" and reads from her poetry and lectures. In keeping with Martin's chosen life of solitude, she alone appears in the documentary.
A short documentary about the rapidly disappearing era of heritage movie palaces and the film going experience once offered within those hallowed walls.
A short documentary film about the director's relationship with his deceased grandfather.
A documentary about the trials and tribulations of being a entrepreneur and film maker in Finland from the makers of Iron Sky franchise.
A visual essay revealing social inequality as the silent sickness of COVID-19 lockdown America. To highlight the disconnect between the fantasy of Los Angeles and the lived reality for many of its citizens, a computerized voice gives a dispassionate monologue over imagery that explores the truth of a city after the tourists, luxury stores and entertainment are removed from the streets. Through silent vignettes, the film leaves us with images of homelessness, and comments on the shallowness of capitalism and the hypocrisy of multiculturalism.
Making of documentary from the Ultra HD Blu-ray edition of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer released on the movie's 30th anniversary.
An Italian documentary about Mexico and the UFO phenomenon.
A slice-of-life documentary following a visually-impaired married couple as they prepare for a trip to the grocery store.
The film tells the life story of Roman Romancini, one of the most important Brazilian mountaineers, in his endeavor to reach his greatest dream: climbing Mount Everest, the highest mountain on the planet. Directed by Rafael Duarte (Bambalaio Filmes) and produced by Leonardo Edde (URCA Filmes), the documentary shows how Roman reached, during his preparation years, 4 of the “7 summits” during winter, considered by many an almost impossible mission. Survivor of the avalanche that hit the Khumbu Falls in 2014, a few feet from Everest Base Camp, Roman returned to the Himalayas four years later with Rafael Duarte and Padawa Shepa, who together documented the most challenging expedition of his life.
An alien encounter and craft in North Charleston.
Mother India is home to many castes, tribes and religions and one common factor that brings this diverse country all together is Jewelry. Come explore the deep history and culture of the jewelry of India dating back more than 5000 years. As we explore the history we also take you into Bangalore, India and talk to local Jewelry Stores and Jewelry Artisans as they share their stories and their family history of their involvement in jewelry going far back into their family ancestry.
A Documentary film exploring the history and evolution of vinyl records. Featuring Interviews with the experts, musicians and fans alike, 'Stuck in the groove' takes you on a journey of vinyl-mania, music and nostalgia.
Dr. Steven Greer’s previous works, SIRIUS and UNACKNOWLEDGED, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story.
Just after midnight on 10 March 1945, the US launched an air-based attack on eastern Tokyo; continuing until morning, the raid left more than 100,000 people dead and a quarter of the city eradicated. Unlike their loved ones, Hiroshi Hoshino, Michiko Kiyooka and Minoru Tsukiyama managed to emerge from the bombings. Now in their twilight years, they wish for nothing more than recognition and reparations for those who, like them, had been indelibly harmed by the war – but the Japanese government and even their fellow citizens seem disinclined to acknowledge the past.
This documentary offers an honest look at our fraught, complex relationship to video games from the perspectives of gamers and their concerned parents.
A four minute audio-visual journey of Athens Greece that has been time/hyper lapsed.
A fascinating hybrid of performance and video verité, The Continuing Story of Carel and Ferd introduces Carel and Ferd, a couple who allowed Ginsberg to produce an ongoing documentary record of the intimate moments of their relationship. Carel, a porn actress, and Ferd, a drug addict, invite the camera to participate in their wedding, their sex life, and their break-up. Produced before the landmark PBS documentary An American Family introduced television audiences to the live-in camera — and many decades before the ubiquity of reality television — this document raises questions about the relationship between subject and camera, privacy and manipulation. Originally presented as an installation, this one-hour version, which includes interviews with Carel, Ferd and Ginsberg, was distilled from thirty hours of footage recorded from 1970 to 1975. - Electronic Arts Intermix
WATCHERS NINE, DAYS OF CHAOS attempts to pull together a team of experts to try and answer some of the most disturbing questions about the times in which we live. Host/Author L.A. Marzulli covers many topics of interest: Dr. Brooks Agnew tells us about EMPs and Jade HELM. We investigate the bee die-off, the 7 year drought in California, violence increasing, Director Richard Shaw found aliens in the Kumburgaz UFO footage and shows how he did it, a pastor in Iran tells us that Yeshua is visiting
To celebrate the release of a new movie for their 20th anniversary, this documentary offers some behind-the-scenes footages.
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before. Has something changed? Who are these beings, where do they come from, why do they work in the shadows and what is their agenda? Has the U.S. been sharing tech from these visitors since the 50s? Well take actual samples from a sphere that crashed to earth in Mexico and analyze them under an Electron Microscope, (SEM). Well examine a piece of drywall from a home that was visited. Are the fingerprints human, or alien? WATCHERS 7 looks at the science behind UFOs and their origin in ancient Biblical texts. A UK poll indicates more people believe in ETs than God. Whats next??